10. I don't know what I want, but I know I want to know what he wants

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It really didn't make any sense. How could I have feelings for both Dylan and Floyd? I thought I would either just keep liking Floyd, like I always had, and not even be able to develop feelings for Dylan, or switch from one to the other. It didn't help that I was not sure about how I exactly felt for Dylan either. My brain was just one big muddled mess.

For several days, I just kept thinking and thinking about what happened that afternoon at Floyd's, all of it building up inside me, getting bigger and bigger, like a bomb ready to explode. Until an unsuspecting Olivia walked up to me and I grabbed her by the shoulders and squeaked, "Olivia, help!"

She shook her head, peeled my hands off, and muttered, "Tsk, tsk, tsk, I have to do everything here."

"You got me into this mess, Liv," I said sourly, pointing an angry finger at her with a glare. "Fix it."

"What do I need to do?"

"Help me get things straight."

"You are gay. You don't need to get things straight!

"Seriously? Now is not the time for jokes, Olivia."

"Okay, I'm sorry. So this is about Dylan, right? I'm surprised you haven't mentioned it before, to be honest. What is the issue? He kissed you... and then?"

"Yeah, he did, and then I went to Floyd when he was sick and we were talking and stuff and then you called me and he heard me saying that I have a crush on him and then we almost kissed and then Dylan stopped by and I got weird and—"

"Wait, wait, back up. You and Floyd almost kissed? Did my plan work?"

"I— Well... yes? I don't know. He said he wasn't straight, you know, like I thought he was, which doesn't make any sense, but I guess you were right. I just didn't think that— Sorry, I'm rambling." I ran a hand through my hair in frustration. "Anyway, that's all he said and now he knows I have a crush on him! Thanks to you!"

"You're welcome."

"No, not— Olivia, it's a mess!"

She put a hand on my arm and spoke to me like I was a crying baby. "Hugo, calm down."


"Does he have a problem with it? No. Is there a problem with you and Dylan liking each other? No. Is there a problem with you liking both of them? As long as you are not hurting anyone, no. So stop worrying."

I blinked at her in surprise, coming to the realization that I really had been getting worked up for nothing. If you put it like that, it sounded so much simpler.

I felt silly for making such a fuss.

"So what do I do?" I asked her.

"You date Dylan, of course. Only now it will be for real!"

I ran my hands through my hair again and let out a deep sigh, before concluding, "Okay, yeah, I guess I'll do that."

"If you like him," Olivia added with a raised brow.

"W-well, I uh... I suppose I do."


I turned around so fast I almost fell over and found Dylan standing behind me. He chuckled at my reaction and I glared at him. Stupid Dylan and his stupid smile. Couldn't he cut me some slack?

"Hey, can I talk to you?" he asked.

"Yeah, sure," I murmured with a nod. "Bye, Liv."

Olivia simply responded by waving at me with an impossibly wide smile and I stuck my tongue out at her as I followed Dylan to wherever he wanted to take me. His locker, apparently.

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