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Cassies POV

We pulled up to the school and I got out while Kai went looking for a parking spot. This guy from my school came up to me and started staring at me urgh Maleek . I hate him with a passion.

Maleek- Woaah you really do have nice lips

Me- Shut up

He laughed and walked away that was random whatever Kai came back and we walked into the school, People were just staring , laughing and whispering. Out of the crowd someone shouted "HOE!"

Kai- Now I don't know who said that but I know you aint talking about me

Maleek emerged from the crowd of people holding his phone. My heart sank to stomach. The video of me and Lucas. Kai looked at me like "oh shit" She slapped the phone out his hand mushed his face and ran away. I followed after we got to the car and I just sat in the passenger seat crying my eyes out. How could he do this! Now everybody knows! We got home and I ran up to my room straight away.

Kai and August burst in

August- What happened?

Me- I don't wanna talk about it

Kai's phone went off and she took it out her back pocket.  She squinted her eyes while reading the message then her mouth dropped.

Kai- Look its getting round fast!

She showed me and the tears just started all over again. August snatched the phone and looked at it.

August- What the hell Cass! I told you two you shouldn't have been staying at no niggas house but now look what happened he straight exposed you girl! You cant do nothing to get him back now! Your stupid you should atleast know not to do it to no nigga that you just met or hes always gonna see you as a girl he can just get stuff off of!

Kai- Aug stop yelling at her!

Me- No he's right I am stupid! For ever trusting him

She hugged me. This shit is embarrassing it's one thing admitting it because that's not a problem but the fact that theres a video what am I a pornstar I don't want no video of me on the internet. Im so mad Im shaking you know what. Im gonna get Lucas back. I got off Kai and put my timbs on. Im  gonna go mess up his shit.

Kai- Where you going?

Me- Lucas' house

August-  Im driving.

We got in August's car and he picked up Chresanto on the way ooo I can't wait! Lucas and his stupid-self told me where he lives! We pulled up in his driveway. I jumped out the car so fast and started banging on the door. He opened it topless. I PUNCHED HIM RIGHT IN THE FACE. His head jerked back.

Me- Are you dumb! Are you silly?

Lucas- Damn Cassie what did I do?!

He was holding his nose.


Lucas- What are you talking about I swear I didn't.

Kai ran up out of nowhere started shout

Kai- Don't lie Lucas the video is EVERYWHERE even my brother has seen it!

Lucas- But I didn...


August and Chres had got out by now and were behind me and Kai. She was getting heated and so was I.  I wanna hit him again! I raised my hand to do it but August caught me.

August- You already bust his nose girl what you tryna do now

He laughed I must admit it was a good hit

Me- You know what Fuck you Lucas youre trash and I hate you

I pulled his door shut... more like slammed it and walked to the car. The temptation was too much I turn back and I just had to do something so I politely booted his window.



Wills POV

Things have been... different since Lucas 'leaked' the video of him and Cassie. He promised me he didn't and I believe him because hes a jerk but not like that. He would never do such a thing unless she was talking shit or she deserved it. Till this day we still don't know who did it but whatever most people have got over it now... Anyways on to more Important stuff... Like Kai.

Its like we want each other but neither of us are doing anything about it. I would but you know I just cant I think shes waiting on me to make the first move or something. I will in due time. Plus I only hit it once the time I took her virginity and Ive been so frustrated since then. Her clothing doesn't make it easier either . Shes such a tease but doesn't mean it. I just want her! Now Im getting ready to go get her from school.

Kai's POV

Since that whole exposing thing Cassie has gotten stronger both physically and mentally. Shes been on savage mood for quite a while now but Im not complaining I kinda like it and shes just even more fun to be around on to other things... like Will.

We've been talking for like a month now and it has been so great I really like him and he likes me too but Im waiting on him to do something. Right now hes coming to get me from school to buy me some new shoes. And its not like hes just in it to fuck because we've only done it once.

Cassie's POV

I hate Lucas! He used me for stuff and left me. I feel so dirty but whatever. It made me stronger. I haven't seen him in a while because Im always with Kai and will. They're so cute man I love them two together

Right now they're gonna go out but they're gonna drop me off at home so they can go shopping or whatever.

Wills car pulled up with music blasting out of it veryy loud. He stepped out and that girl Kai fought on my first day was liking what she was seeing. I cant lie shes slimm thick! and kinda cute but nothing on Kai. Im not just saying but its true.

Samyra- I like what I see so do you?

Will- Do I what?

Samyra- Like what you see

With that she unzipped her little jacket showing her titties! The shit aint appropriate for school.

He gave her a stank look but his face lit up when Kai came.

He hugged her by the waist and opened her door. She smiled at Samyra. I got in the passenger seat her mouth dropped open and I laughed.

Samyra- The fuck you laughing at shouldn't you be sucking some dick

Kai- Go choke on your fathers

Me- Like your mother should've done 17 years ago bitch

Will laughed and sped off. He dropped me off and continued his journey with Kai.

I went upstairs and got changed. August went to the studio so yeah home alone bitches I got changed in a little top and some small shorts.
Then some knocked on the door while I was making food

Wills POV

Kai was trying on some trainers
I really like this girl Im gonna make her mine today.

Kai- Will I like these

I wasnt really listening so she called me again

Kai- Willie

Me- Hey dont call me that

she giggled

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