Little Smiles and Little Lies

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It's me again. LittleMissTomlinson3! huggable_hugs said she'd help me update, but...

Hafsa:uh excuse me I wrote the rest and edited it!

Just for some fun, I'm gonna do some sort of Larry.We both ship them

Harry's P.O.V

I bite my lip, looking over at Louis' unscarred face. We're all back in the main room where we were before, me, Louis, Liam and Zayn but this time the spare beanbag is occupied. With Niall.

I look around at all the boys. Zayn is on his phone again smirking and if I look really carefully it looks like he's talking to his sister, Liam is looking over at Niall's baby face and smiles to himself, and Louis is curled up in the corner, staring thoughtfully at his hands. I nudge over to him.

"Hey, mate," I grin. "You okay there?"

Louis jumps. "Um, er, yeah," he stutters. "I'm cool. Just wondering about Niall, y'know."

"What, wondering, like..." I raise my eyebrows and make silly kissing noises to make him smile his beatiful smile.

Louis shoves me playfully but smiles anyway. "What the fuck, no!" he exclaims. "I'm straight, man."

I keep the fake smile on my face, but for some reason, something inside me seems to shatter. Maybe it's my heart...

Wait, what am I saying? Am I implying that I like Louis? How can I? I'm a guy, he's a guy... I'm not gay! I can't be gay! I've always been into girls. Haven't I?

But something about Louis makes me special inside. he really is awesome, I can say that... but I don't like him! Not like that! I don't know?! Wasn't I supposed to go through this when I was 13? Wasn't I?

Louis P.O.V

This is written by Hafsa!

I lied. To Harry. To myself. Out of all the times I have been guilty this is definetly the most guiltiest I feel. How could I lie to Harry? I was thiking about Niall.About how small and vulnerable he was. Im ot straight. Im gay.

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