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Omg you guys are crazy I mean do you have lives you spend the WHOLE DAY badgering me to update and to be honest I'm pretty sick of it!!!! I mean oh my god I HAVE OTHER STUFF TO DO OK?! I wasn't born simply to satisfy you and your constant need for more chapters. God!!!!!!!! Stop with the hate!!! How would you like it if I turned up at your house and were like OMFG WHAT ARE YOU ON ORGANISE YOUR BOOK SHELF RIGHT NOW!!!!!! You'd be like no get away from me you hoe! That's how it feels to be in my position and constantly nagged about updating!!! Like no I won't re organise our bookshelf everyday or every week I like it how it is ok!!!! It's in alphabetical order, by the authors last name, and if I want to organise it by colour or cover image or whatever I'll do it in my own time ok!!!! Not when you want me to when I want to!!!!!!!!! Whether that's next week or next year. I'm sure you've all got other stuff to do (ha doubt it tbh) so just leave me alone!!!!!!!1!!1!1!1!1!!1!1

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