The Fear

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The words pierced through her skin despite being mere whispers, and she could not help but blush a deeper and darker shade each step she took. This was beyond her capabilities as a person, how did others manage this sort of thing so well? Her oblivious nature had caused her to be blind to the true meaning of other's affections, but her oblivious and normally indifferent personality did not help to hide her pure joy and thorough embarrassment. Why did I decide this was a good idea? The girl could not fathom this bubbly feeling she felt anymore than she could comprehend the pointed stares and shocked whispers.

She was Haruhi regardless of whether she was a girl or a boy. Someone's gender didn't make a difference, but who they were did. Why're they all staring? He gripped her small hand tighter and seemed to lean just a little bit closer. "It's because you're just too cute to handle. That's why they are all staring at you." His voice contained traces of a smirk Haruhi was too embarrassed to look up and see, but there was just a little bit of a tremble in his smooth voice that conveyed his nervousness. Despite all his acts with his brother, and the plays through as though Haruhi was only a toy, Hikaru was a novice when it came to this sort of feeling. He didn't know how to show his true feelings, and these things he felt overwhelmed him.

They walked on though with Haruhi's small hand in his large protective grasp. A deep blush across both of their faces, but a shining happiness in their eyes. They looked for all the world like they were about to keel over from either happiness or embarrassment and death's judge couldn't decide which to choose.

They were new to this and although gossip was running rampant through the school about the new couple that was the dearest Haruhi and Hikaru, they stayed the rest of the school day without being questioned. It wasn't until later they realized that most questions were directed to Kaoru and he was a very good buffer. It turned out most of them knew Hikaru liked Haruhi, but it was a surprise to them Haruhi felt the same. Regardless of their surprise, they still did not know Haruhi's true gender. Hikaru and Haruhi had been puzzling about this and they were unsure of whether to tell everyone. In the end they'd decided to hold off on telling the school until after they got the host club's input.

"Together?" She asked meekly, "Together," he answered with more bravo than he actually felt. It struck him as odd that he'd first opened these doors with his brother, and now he was with the love of his life all because of the host club. Although he never wanted this club in the beginning Hikaru couldn't imagine a different place to be. He'd never have met Haruhi... He'd never have met the one person who knew Hikaru and Kaoru as well as they knew themselves.

The club took it as gracefully as expected. They each held their own disappointment and their own jealousies upon seeing and hearing the news. Haruhi was no longer their Haruhi, but solely his. Tamaki didn't protest very much, despite looking rather put out, and the rest of the club took their cue from him and went on as if everything was normal.

"Can I take you home, Haruhi?" Hikaru asked his usually mischievous face covered in a bashful shyness. She smiled brightly up at him and nodded, but broke out with her serious tone, "We are not riding home in one of your stupid rich people vehicles. You can take me home, but let's walk." She raised an eyebrow, waiting for the inevitable protest yet none came as he just nodded and took her hand to leave.

This just felt right. His hand in hers, and hers in his. It felt right walking next to her, listening to her stories, her giggle, and seeing her bright smile. Suddenly he stopped walking and she paused to look at him quizzically. "Haruhi, I... I really like you." Again, he couldn't say it. He couldn't say it at all. It was ridiculous that three words were so hard to say, plus it wasn't like this would be the first time he said such things! Yet despite the overwhelming love he felt he still felt troubled and nervous when the thought of expressing it came. She smiled though, as if in understanding, and he gently leaned down to her. Their lips met in a brief kiss before they resumed walking. All too soon she was home and he was on his way to his own.

Everything was perfect right now and right in this moment, but perfect is a fragile thing that will not always last. The fear was there ready to take control.

The next week flew by and soon the weekend was upon them. The cute couple had ridden out the school's gossip and by the end of the week it had died down. Their costumers in the host club however where very interested in the two which resulted in an influx of new girls. Even Kyouya couldn't argue with the results.

"Hey Haruhi~?" Hikaru sang as he walked over.

"Mm?" Was the indifferent reply from the girl who was very concentrated as she worked on her studies. He layed a hand across her paper, effectively blocking her view. "Let's go on a date tomorrow. Mmkay? I'll pick you up in the morning." His voice was even and his hands did not shake with their normal nervousness whenever he was speaking to her, but the blush was firmly set in his face.

"Okay okay, that sounds nice, can I get back to work now?" She casually brushed off his hand and continued her furious scribbling of notes. Hikaru in turn flopped across the table and watched her from the corner of his eye. "Awww Haruhi, pay some attention to me. I am your.." he paused, a little embarrassed, but with a glint in his eye he continued, "I am your b-boyfriend. Shouldn't you give me a little love? Leaving me here to die, starved for attention." He dramatically made actions as though he was faint. "Oh, cruel fate. To be so alone even in other's company."

"You sound like Tamaki." She said blithely, continuing her work. After a moment's pause though she couldn't help but smile and looked up at him, "Hey? You know what..?" She swallowed then continued, "Let's have a picnic for our date and go to the park. Let's just hang out like that. Later we could go to your house and hang out with Kaoru too, I wouldn't want to leave him alone for too long." Soon she was consumed by a rough hug from the happy red-head.

"Then it's a date!" He shouted happily as she started to pack up to leave.

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