Oblivious Love

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It was a cauldron of emotions he was feeling—raging, swirling, and confusing. Hikaru had no way to explain it, for he'd never experienced this before.

He'd never been so close to someone before (never let them get close, before).

The tightness in his chest (like he couldn't breathe!) when she walked by, the anger in his stomach (he was a drowned man!) when she flirted easily with others even though it was her job! He didn't need to get jealo—irritated; and the deep longing in his heart (a man suffocated by her presence; still wishing for more) when she gave him her signature knowing-smirk.

She was small, cute, and predictably stubborn—a cookie-cutter ideal, really, but she was so much more than that. She wasn't some weak heroine, the damsel in distress, she was no maiden in need of rescuing, she was not the princess in the tower--locked away, helpless, and relying on someone to save her.

No... She was strong-willed, smart... and... kind. Endlessly kind. Not everyone would feel that way, upon meeting her--what, with her brutal honesty and almost stoic demeanour. But it was true, it was something Hikaru witnessed every moment he was with her.

She was kind. She was loyal. She was strong. She was... everything.

He couldn't find the words to describe her, not in any accurate way, at least.

Haruhi, was just... She was Haruhi, and that was all that could be said on the matter.

At the risk of sounding like a love-sick fool, which Hikaru often did when it concerned Haruhi: 'Love happened in the strangest of times, and the most awkward of places. Always.'

Hey. Who said this was love? Certainly not me—

It was the day's end, and he was making his way to the clubroom with Haruhi, his brother having packed up early and rushed toward the room (read: doing his best to get two oblivious children to spend more time together).

The door swung open easily and as always, it was a little breathtaking. That moment, so simple and sweet, of seeing these people who had changed his life—these friends who, despite everything, had stuck together, supported each other, and... at the end of the day, would always be the most important to Hikaru and Kaoru both.

But then, reality would always hit—and hit hard.

And no, don't get him wrong, he still loved each and every one of his lame rich friends (and Haruhi, who was infinitely cooler despite what a dork she was).

But... there was an agenda here. Despite being a club, it was more of a job. It wasn't something small and trivial—it was something that had to represent him, and his friends, in a meaningful way. It couldn't be some jokester club where nothing productive was done—no, it had to be useful to his future (to all of their futures).

And that was when the feeling of awe at seeing his friends gathered for their little club wore away, and was replaced with an odd sense of formality.

Not to say that he couldn't enjoy club activities, or have fun teasing Tamaki and harassing Kyouya... but, it wasn't as pure as 'just some friends hanging out' as he'd like to think—it wasn't about just meeting up and goofing around. It was about building skills—preparing for a successful (and lucrative) future.

"Haruhi, go get changed please." Kyouya said by way of greeting, as the petite girl meandered into the Host Club's room after Hikaru—who'd paused, so awash in his feelings of apprehension. He wasn't the type to dwell on things, and considered worrying about 'making connections' and 'future-planning' to be a waste of time.

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