Dear Best Friend.

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Day 1; Dear Best friend. 

Oh my gosh. Where do I even begin to start with you? Well, we've known each other since we were born because our parents are best friends. I absolutely love you to death, with out you I don't know where I'd be in life. 

You cheer me up every time I'm feeling down. I come to you with everything because you give like THE BEST advice ever, and because I know I can trust you with it. You're like a sister to me, and I know I can tell you absolutely anything and not be judged for it. 

You're the funniest person I've ever met. You never fail to put a smile on my face when I'm sad/mad. I know I can't hide anything from you, especially food. Fat ass.(; 

With you, it's never boring. You make everything hilarious. When I'm being serious you randomly just start laughing. I want to punch you sometimes for it but than you'd just hit me back, and we'd end up wrestling. Which obviously I'd win. 

You're at my house every fucking day. It's ridiculous! You're with me now to, hopefully you're too involved with your phone that you aren't noticing I'm writing this. But any who, I have a feeling this might be really long. I haven't even typed half the stuff I'm thinking.

Even though we may have our little disagreements, I know nothing will ever change our friendship. You're honestly probably the only person I can act my complete self around. 

You're always there for me and I couldn't thank you enough, but I can try. So thank you. (: 

I know you're probably already sick of reading this so I'm going to stop typing. But um, I love you. 

.....cause you're amazing, just the way you are. <3 

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