~ mauve memories ~

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To theirs and everyone else's delight, they got the house. After waiting for nearly three weeks, they finally got the call they had been waiting for. And to say the least, both boys were extremely overwhelmed with emotions- both good and bad. They were finally going to have their own house, but, that meant they could no longer depend on their families for everything. They were growing up and that scared them yet excited them at the same time. But they knew they were going to be okay, because as long as they had each other, everything was going to be okay.

Shane was wearing a mauve coloured sweatshirt today. He wasn't too into the colour, but it just felt fitting for a day like today, which was a lazy day. Though they deserved it- they had been moving their belongings into this empty shell of a home nonstop for the past few days and they just needed a break. And what better way to chill out than by ordering a pizza and watching Disney movies.

This 'lazy day routine' started when they were both seven and their school had closed for the day. They were bored and couldn't find anything to do so Ryland's mother, who was looking after them both that day while Shane's mother had gone to work, offered to make them some popcorn and put on a Disney film to keep them out of trouble, to which both boys agreed to with big smiles and loud cheering. And from that day onwards whenever they had a lazy day, food and Disney movies were always involved.

"It's crazy to think that this is our house, right? It felt like just yesterday we were outside in my garden stick fighting and playing families." Shane said, taking his eyes off the screen in front of him and directing his gaze onto the floor below him. "I know...life is going by so quickly, it's scary. Soon enough we'll be old and our children will be in the same position we are now." Ryland replied, running his fingers through Shane's mess of curly locks. "Our children?" Shane smirked, a light blush appearing on his cheeks as he looked up at Ryland, who had wide eyes and a bright red face "I- I mean, I- Well you know-" He stuttered

Shane interrupted him with a quick kiss, saving him from any more embarrassment. "I would love to have kids with you." Shane whispered against Ryland's lips before pulling away and giggling quietly to himself. "You would?" "Mhm!" Shane nodded, smiling. "It would be fun."

Ryland smiled bashfully and looked down at his lap. "Well then I can't wait for that time to come, but for now-" He said, grabbing Shane by the waist and pulling him onto his lap so they were facing each other, "We are going to be the only babies in this house." "I mean we aren't exactly babies, we're in our twenties now." Shane pointed out. "We are babies!" Ryland exaggerated, trying not to smile but failed miserably. "You're a loser." Shane teased, shaking his head fondly at the boy beneath him.

"But really," Shane continued, his voice soft and sweet. "Doesn't it feel a little unreal that this is our home? We have our own house together, just like we imagined when we were kids. All the things we spoke about when we were young are finally becoming reality. We're dating; and yes I know we would talk about us being together a lot when we were children, but there were never any romantic feelings towards each other. We were just really good friends and that was the only way we knew we would be able to keep that bond- but when we got to around thirteen or so, and the romantic and emotional side really started to show, we would talk about how we should just get together because we know each other more than anyone else and to having to create that bond with another person would be too much work and they would never truly know us like we do each other. And here we are, a few years later, madly in love with each other, doing all the things we dreamt about as teenagers.

We've got our first house together and it's just like the ones we would fantasize about; it's big enough for the two of us, and a pet if we decide to get one, there's a big garden outside that we can plant flowers in and have our own 'flower meadow', right here at home. And yeah there might not be an Olympic sized pool like we dreamt about but I mean it's not the end of the world, we have so much great stuff here that not having a swimming pool isn't a big deal. It's only a materialistic thing, not that we understood that at such a young age, but now we do and we know that materialistic things aren't all they're made out to be. They're not important in the big picture. But what is important is us. As long as we've always got each other that's all we need to survive. Everything else is just a bonus. But most importantly, we're happy."

Ryland couldn't contain his smile as Shane explained the way he felt about the things that were going on in their lives. It was a nice reminder than they both felt the same way about everything that had/ was happening. "I'm so in love with you." Ryland whispered to the soft boy in his lap. "I'm in love with you too." He whispered back, laying his head on Ryland's chest.

They laid like that for the rest of the day, watching movies and planning out what they were going to do tomorrow, to which they finally agreed on planting in the garden and Shane was ecstatic about it. He couldn't wait to finally have a sea of colour right outside their house. He could already picture what it was going to look like and he was in love with it.

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