~ buttercup beauty ~

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It was the next morning and Shane was wearing the same outfit as yesterday, but instead of a pink sweatshirt, he wore a pale yellow coloured one. Today's colour choice was Ryland's idea. He wanted Shane to match the buttercups he had picked out for him at the flower meadow. And in his hair he wore a flower crown made from the daisies he picked yesterday.

"Ma's gone out with your brothers but she left us some pancake batter and fruit in the fridge." Ryland said, looking over at Shane who was re-painting his nails to match his colour of the day. They had been calling each other's mom's 'ma' ever since they were little kids. They were as close to being family as you could get without being related. The best part about being childhood friends and being so close with each other's families is that if they ever fell out with someone or needed advice but were too afraid to talk to someone from their family, they always had a second family to go off too.

"Ooh, yummy. I love pancakes." Shane smiled as he put away the nail varnish into a box filled with all different variations of nail vanish. "I was going to make them while you were in bed, but I thought it would be more fun if we cooked them together." Ryland said. "Aw, you were going to make me breakfast in bed? That's so sweet." Shane gushed. "Only the best for my boy," Ryland giggled, his cheeks rose in colour.

"I don't know why I thought it would be fun to do together because I know you're going to make me cook them," He added, laughing quietly to himself. Shane laughed along with him, nodding his head in agreement.

Shane was useless at cooking- even if it was as simple as pouring batter into a pan. The last time they attempted to cook something together, Shane burnt the food so much it got stuck to the bottom of the frying pan and they had to go out and buy a replacement. "But I guess you can keep me company while I do all the work"

Shane stood up from his desk chair and made his way over to Ryland, who was sat on the bed. "Even though a couple of days ago we spent the whole day in bed, today feels like a Disney and chill type of day." Shane commented. "Oh?" Ryland smirked, raising his eyebrows up and down, which earned him a gentle smack on the shoulder. "Not like that!" Shane exclaimed, his voice much higher than usual due to all the embarrassment. "I know baby, I'm just playing with you." Ryland smiled cheekily, pulling Shane down onto his lap.

It wasn't very often that they did sexual things with each other- it was very rare, actually. Shane just didn't like it. But Ryland didn't have a problem with that. There was plenty of other ways they could show their affection towards each other. And as long as Ryland had a way to show how much he loved Shane, he was fine. And the same went for Shane. Sex just wasn't a big deal for them. And though many people would think being at the ripe age of nineteen they would be bouncing off the walls trying to control their hormones, it wasn't like that at all for them. And that was perfectly okay.

Shane's arms wrapped around Ryland's neck, as his arms snaked around Shane's waist. "I love you." Shane whispered, twirling the hair on the back of Ryland's head between his fingers. "I love you too," Ryland whispered back. "So much."

After they sat quietly for a few minutes admiring each other, they finally decided to get up and make some breakfast. So as Ryland cooked the pancakes, Shane sat at the counter carefully cutting up some fruit into slices. He set all the fruit into colour order, put them into different bowls and placed them onto the table just in time for Ryland to set the two plates of pancakes down.

As they sat and ate their breakfast together, they discussed what movies they were going to watch. They decided on Snow White, Bambi, Pocahontas and The Little Mermaid. And Shane was excited to say the least. He loved the days where they could lounge around on the couch with blankets and popcorn while they watched movies and made out.

When the bowls and plates were emptied, they were put in the dish washer. Ryland set up the first movie (which was Bambi), while Shane scurried upstairs to get some blankets and pillows. Once everything was done being set up, they climbed under a blanket together and got into their usual position; Shane's head on Ryland's chest and Ryland's arms wrapped protectively around Shane's body.

They stayed like that throughout the whole duration of the movie, which Shane appreciated when he was able to bury his face deeper into Ryland's chest to let out a few tears once the death scene came on. Though he had watched this film many times before, he just couldn't help but tear up when Bambi's mother was shot and killed. He was a sensitive soul with a heart too big for his body. And Ryland loved that about him.

The day passed by quickly, being filled with movies and cuddles, and it was now time for bed. They were laid in Shane's bed with only the fairy lights that laced around his bedroom walls on. Ryland's hand was resting gently on the side of Shane's face, rubbing circles on his cheekbone with the pad of his thumb while Shane laid there just staring into Ryland's eyes, not saying a word or moving a muscle. He leaned forward, closing his eyes and took Ryland's lips between his own.

And there they laid; eyes closed shut, hands on each other's bodies, showing all their love and compassion for one and other through a simple kiss. It lasted for a few minutes, with the occasional breather, before they both slowly pulled away from each other with a big grin on both their faces.

They muttered a quiet "love you", kissed again for a couple of minutes, and then finally fell asleep holding onto each other and not letting go the whole night through.

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