Chapter Seven

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The next morning, Roberta breakfasted with Prince John and Marian. Marian had kept her close ever since she woke up even though she insisted that she was fine.

"I think you should move next door to me permanently," Marian said.

"No, I'm perfectly all right. I feel much better. And it's unlikely that a thief will come again after being so close to being caught. Besides, I like my room," Roberta said. The prince rolled his eyes slightly at his breakfast. He probably thinks Robin did it. I hope he thinks Robin did it. Good thing he didn't see my act last night or he'd be surprised at how well recovered I am this morning. Thanks for being oblivious, Marian.

"I would just rather you be closer," Marian said.

"I'll be perfectly fine, Marian," Roberta said.

"I don't think we should bother her over it if she feels so strongly," Prince John said. There was a tinge of sarcasm that Marian didn't notice. He's probably in a bad mood because someone broke in again and he still didn't catch them. I wonder what he'll do when he finds his prisoner escaped. Should be any time now. Roberta ate her breakfast as quickly as she could.

"I think I'll go back to bed for awhile. I'm tired," she said as she finished.

"All right, I'll come and check on you in just a little while," Marian said.

"No need," Roberta said.

"I think you should let her check," Prince John said. "Why should you care anyway, you'll be asleep." Roberta stifled her scowl.

"I just don't like being babied," she said. She got up and walked out. Maybe they'll just think I'm cranky. She hurried out. She couldn't push it much more now, though. As she closed the door behind her, she heard another one open.

"Sire, I apologize for disturbing your breakfast," the sheriff said. She pressed her ear against the door. This was it. They'd found Allan missing.

"What is it?" The sheriff's feet shuffled nervously. Roberta peeked through the keyhole. Prince John's face was dark.

"What is it?" Prince John spoke slowly and articulately.

"The prisoner is gone," the sheriff said. There was a long silence and Prince John's face was unreadable. Marian excused herself and slipped out another door. Roberta held her breath as she waited to see what would happen.

"You let him get away?" the prince asked calmly.

"No, I believe the thieves that robbed you last night were simply a ruse while the boy was freed," the sheriff said. Very good, Sheriff. An excellent theory.

"So you did let him get away." There was a long pause.

"Yes, yes I did, Sire," the sheriff said finally.

"I want him back," the prince said, with a bite in his voice. "Take some men out into the woods and find them. Take enough to wipe them out," the prince said. Roberta stepped back. Would they be so easily caught? They'd escaped searches like this so far, but this was so sudden. Would they find out in time? They should be careful as it was, with one of their own imprisoned, but still, was that enough? She stepped silently away from the door and then sprinted down the hallway. She couldn't risk them getting caught. They were the only hope for the people until the king returned. She saddled a horse and rode out of the gate with a company of soldiers heading off toward the barracks in the village. They didn't notice her as she cut off sharply into a small alley along the wall. She wove through the houses until she passed the edge of town and then waited until she was out of sight before kicking her horse into a full gallop around Nottingham toward Sherwood. She rode hard until she'd reached the edge of the forest and ducked low while her horse found his own way, pushed on by her heels in its flanks. The whole time she rode, she calculated. The sheriff would probably take at least a hundred men, probably more, but it would take them time to get their horses ready and their weapons gathered. That could give her maybe half an hour, but not much more than that. The bandits would just have to work with the time she gave them.

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