Mommy pesent, shhh

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Bekah's pov

I has a pesent for bubby. It his bifday. I has be carry it around in dinosaur. I is 1 an half. I see mommy. I hug mommy now.

I hug mommy and she kiss my cheek "mommy pesent, shhh" I say tell her my secet. I go to bubby and unzip dinosaur. I take out pesent and give to him. It was a big tain an went cho cho. I was pulled into hug by bubby "Eli what did Bekah give you?" daddy asked "she gave me a train that I've been asking for. I wanted it so much and she got it for me. I love it. Thank you Bekah" bubby said and mommy took pictures "I want to be a train driver when I'm older" Eli said and hugged me again.
I play wit uncy's. Aunti Rebekah was playing with Eli. I run around and they not catch me. I went outside so they no find me and see my stuff puppy in the pool. I reached out to grab it but fell in. I try swim but I just sink " Elp!" I yell but I still drowning.

I about to give up but I feel arms round me.

I look and it Eli. He take me to shalwo end and onto cenment. He get towelled put round me. Soon my famy was outide yell our names as I shiver.

Eli's pov

I held my sister trying to keep her warm. My aunts and uncles were babysitting us while mommy and daddy were getting pizza and cake. They ran over to us and I told them what happened as Bekah started to calm down.

Mommy and daddy walked outside and ran over to us as uncle Henrik told them what happened. Mommy held Bekah while daddy hugged me then they switched. "No swimming without daddy ever" daddy told Bekah and he she just rested her head on his chest "lub dada" she said and closed her eyes.
After daddy laid her on the couch I opened my presents. I got a cool remote control truck and race cars. I opened the present from mommy and found an iPhone 7s. Then daddy's and seen a boxer puppy "thank you !" I yell and Bekah jolted awake "pu-pu" she said looking at the puppy "do you wanna help name him Bekah" I ask and she nodded "what will we name him" I say and she smiled "petty" she said "we have to give him a boy name." I say and she rolled her eyes "dum-as" she said and my daddy got mad "who taught you that word" he growled "dada" she squealed clapping and mommy looked at daddy "what did I tell you about swearing in front of her" she said angry and he pouted "sorry love" he said and we heard a crash.

We turn around and see brown haired girl "Elena. What are you doing here?" Mommy asked "mama" Bekah yelled and reached for mommy. "Bonnie. For the last five months we have been trying to get you out of here and we finally find a witch who says your not compelled. All the time I wasted trying to get my best friend back and she chose to be here." The girl yelled "I said I was in love with Klaus and I meant it. I will never regret that" Bonnie said "yeah well I'm the reason your grams died and Damon killed your mother so I will never regret that" mommy didn't have a mommy.

I don't want to lose mommy to this girl two. I felt my power go crazy and the brunette was across the room. She started to have blood come out of everywhere and then fell to the floor. I felt hands on me but they pulled away burnt until mommy hugged me. She rocked me in her lap and kissed my forehead. Bekah sat on my lap and I hugged her then daddy hugged all of us into him. "Cuddle" Bekah yelled hugging the boxer pup. "We will name him Sir Cuddles" I say and Bekah claps her hands and kisses my cheek "my bubby" she said hugging me yawning she hit her head against my chest a couple times until I fell into mommy. She giggled and rested her head on my chest falling asleep. "That's adorable" my aunt Fraya said taking a picture of us.
We ate then mommy put my stuff away. Daddy took me and Bekah up to bed after mommy gave us kisses. He placed Bekah in her crib were she was sucking her thumb and put me in bed. He tucked me in and Bekah started crying so he kissed her cheek and tucked her in.
I was sleeping when I woke to someone chewing my ear. It felt weird so I turned to look and seen Bekah. She had a cute scowl on her face and a tiny white piece attached to the top of her lip. "Daddy!" I yell and my dad was in the room in a second. "What's wrong" he asked "Bekah has something white stuck in her gums and she was chewing on my ear!" I say worried that she is hurt. Daddy took Bekah and opened her mouth but she began to chew on his finger "She's fine Eli. She's just gaining more teeth. She has 5 already at the sides of her mouth that help her talk but you can't really see them" he told me.

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