Chapter I

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I am standing in my kitchen when I can hear the sound of a car coming up my driveway. I look out of the big window over looking the front yard, and sure enough, my friend, Julia, is parked outside and she has a huge smile on her face. I forgot that I agreed to go with her today to a garage sale across town. Julia has been nagging at me to go with her ever since we saw the poster advertising it on the bulletin board at the post office. That was over a mont ago and I was hoping that she would forget about it, but I had no such luck.

I slip on my favourite black jacket and a pair of grey vans before dragging myself out of the house and down the front steps towards Julia's truck. Julia drives a 1979 Ford pick up truck and I am amazed that it still starts. I slowly reach for the door handle and Julia starts yelling, "Chantal! If you don't hurry up and get your butt in this truck, then I am leaving without you!" I start laughing, but I do get in because I know that she is not joking and she would leave without me. When I finally fasten my seat buckle, I can feel her glaring at me, but I don't say anything so she puts the truck in drive and we start making our way to the garage sale.

We get to a dirt road at the edge of town and I start questioning whether or not we are in the right place. Suddenly Julia let's out a squeal of excitement and I know that we are getting near. We start pulling up a long driveway and a rather creepy looking house comes into view. I turn to Julia and say, "I really do not want to be here."

"Come on", Julia sighs, "it won't be that bad, we only have to look for a little while, then I will gladly drive you back home so you can mope around in your PJ's for the rest of the day.

I groan at this, but it's true; chilling in my Pyjamas is what I do best.

It feels like we have been here FOREVER and I am about to go find Julia to complain, when I spot something out of the corner of my eye. It is a glass jar or bottle of some sort and it has a lovely pattern of butterflies on the outside. Maybe this garage sale isn't so bad after all I think to myself as I reach downs pick up the bottle. I start dreaming about what I could do with it and I think it would make a really cool vase if I took the cover off of it.

I walk up to a short, old looking man who I assume is selling all of this stuff and am about to ask the price, when he turns to me with a very frightened look on his face.

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