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I eyed the crowd growing under the window in the garden of the palace, packs from all around crowding the small space. A stage stood in the center, with sashes pinned everywhere, leading up to the balcony directly above everything.

The balcony itself was surrounded by flowers, intertwined with the railing itself. Lights were strung everywhere, a small band in the corner with a piano and string quartet. My fingers practically danced against my dress, an urge tugging inside of me to go and play on the beautiful baby grand.

'Will you play for me tonight Ty?'


I grinned as I made my way back to the center of the room, the fleeting sunlight casting shadows against the wall behind me. I heard murmurs around the house, the distinct sound of my family catching my trained ears.


I never thought I would have more than Ethan and Mariah, Jessie and David. But now I have so much more, especially since Tyler's parents began treating me with so much love as their own. Although, the morning after we finished the mating process his mother starting crying about how she can't wait till she's a grandmother.

I'm not pregnant in case you're wondering. I feel like I may be the only wolf that ends her story without being pregnant.

I looked over myself in a mirror as I passed, my white hair as curly as ever and spread out across my shoulders, dipping to my waist. The front was pulled back except for a few sparse pieces, my blue eyes shining against the dark shadow. My red dress spun out around me, little flowers spread across my bust and my off the shoulder sleeves.

I looked back up into the background through the mirror when the door opened and Ashe and Mariah walked through, tears falling from Ashes eyes. She gasped, holding her hands up to her face just as Mariah grinned. I loved them, they were the family I never had.

I would spend summers alone, in the forest by myself killing Rogues and those that broke the laws of our world. I never had friends, family, I never had anyone to actually love me. Until now.

"You look so beautiful, Queen Lena." I blushed at Mariah's words, quickly closing the distance and wrapping my arms around both of them. I smelt my mate downstairs, my heart beating faster at the distance between us.

"Okay guys, let's get this show on the road." They grinned as they led me out the door. I began my descent down the stairs, the back of Tyler greeting me as he spoke to his own father.

Xander's eyes met mine, the same beautiful green as Tyler's, but somehow they looked so much better on my mate. He grinned before saying something to him, hit body turning around slowly as his green eyes hit mine.

It was as if I was six all over again, staring into his green eyes while he just looked at me like I was the weirdest thing he had ever seen. I saw the memory flash across my eyes, remember how at even such a young age he drove my heart wild.

I smiled as I reached the last step and his mouth was gaping open, taking the few steps to reach him before reaching out and shutting his mouth with my finger. The same fireworks exploded under my fingertip, causing me to smile and place a small kiss right along his jaw bone.

"That isn't very fair." He mumbled into my ear, sending shivers right down my spine.

"Never said I was." I gripped his hand, lacing my fingers with his. I grinned as he bent down slightly to press his lips to mine, his tongue flicking against my own. I hummed in happiness, feeling his smirk against my lips.

My little Alpha is way to cocky.

"Alright guys," I broke apart at King Xander's words, well, now just Xander. "Follow us and we'll introduce you, come onto the stage at our queue."

I followed behind him holding onto Tyler's hand, pulling him close behind me. We stopped at a small staircase, the King and Queen going ahead and walking up the steps.

"Ladies and Gentleman, today we are here to introduce the new King and Queen to our kingdom." Xander's voice was met with loud cheers and whistles, already hearing the excitement from the wolves before us. "Now, if you'll give a round of applause to King Tyler and Queen Lena."

I began the ascent up the steps with Tyler by my side, the cheers hitting my ears as soon as I stepped foot on the stage. I grinned as Tyler led me to the podium, his Alpha power radiating as he stood before his kingdom. He cleared his throats as he stepped closer to the microphone, sending me another gaze full of love before he began speaking.

"I want to thank everyone that came to our coronation, as well as my family for supporting us through everything in the past week. Most importantly, I want to thank the Goddess herself for giving me such a wonderful mate and your future Queen, Lena."

I grinned, feeling his arm wrap around my waist as he nuzzled into my neck. I shut my eyes at the pleasure of it all, biting my lip before pressing a kiss to his shoulder. I nodded at the pack before us, walking back with Tyler to stand before his parents. They both held a crown in their hands, a smaller crown than the one they usually wore adorned their heads.

"Do you swear to protect our kind and this pack?"

"We do."

Light cascaded upon both of us, power and energy radiating through our veins. Electricity buzzed the air surrounding us as they placed the crowns on our brows, Tyler's hand gripping mine tighter.

The crowd began cheering as music began to play, my body being led down the steps as everyone made their way to the center courtyard. People began eating and dancing, my hand grasped in Tyler's the entire time.

Tyler pulled me closer as he led me to the middle of the dance floor, my arms wrapping themselves around his neck. The music began playing as he swayed with me, his face snuggling right where my mark was. He placed a chaste kiss on it, causing my heart to flutter deep within my chest.

I looked over his shoulder to see Ethan and Damon dancing close by us, their eyes locked on one another. I smiled, Tyler had been pissed that I had let him out without telling him at first but he quickly got over it when I told him I'd withhold sex for a month is he didn't stop being such an ass.

Believe me, he got over it really fast.

I smiled as I saw Xander and Ashe staring at one another, Alex and Mariah not far behind them. I missed Jessie, his smile engraved in my mind even now, standing right in between the arms of the love of my life.

"I love you." I looked back to Tyler's eyes, his green irises shining as he looked to me.

"I love you more."

"I love you most." I wrinkled my nose, kissing him along his jaw.

"You sure about that?"

"Hell yes."

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