Old Spice ft. Optimus Prime

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Hello, femmes, look at your mech, now back to me, now back at your mech, now back to me. Sadly, he isn't me, but if he stopped using femme scented oil wash and switched to Old Spice, he could smell like he's me. Look down, back up, where are you? You're on a ship with the mech your mech could smell like. What's in your servo, back at me. I have it, it's a space bridge portal to that thing you love. Look again, the portal is now a key to my Matrix of Leadership. Anything is possible when your mech smells like Old Spice and not a femme. I'm on a horse.

A/N: Literally died of laughter making this 😂😂😂

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A/N: Literally died of laughter making this 😂😂😂

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