Chapter 2: A Training Start

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Hello and welcome to chapter two of This Is No Game. I hope you all enjoy it bye.

Chapter 2: A Training Start

I work for a while trying to get all of the girls calm and collected. I look over at the blond who decided to stay in her seat and act as if she needs no comfort but I can see the tears in her eyes. I shake my head if one does not wish comfort from another I will not force them to seek it. I look down on the girls that are all around me on my divan or sitting on the floor nearby. I let a small sigh escape from my lips.

“We need to start planning now if we are going to survive long out in the forest once they release us,” I tell the girls as I motion for them to move off of my divan and back to their own.

All of the girls slowly move away and to their own divans. They all sit quietly while watching me. They are waiting for me to tell them what to do. I smile and look at them all while thinking of ways that I can teach them to survive. I look over the rag tag group. The others are all under the age of seventeen which is unusual usually they keep it varied as much as possible.

“How about we start with introductions? My name is Aya and I am eighteen years old. I have lived on the streets for part of my life and most of my friends have lived on the streets for their whole lives so I know how to fight,” I tell them.

“My name is Sara and I am thirteen years old. I have been very sheltered by my orphanage for almost all of my life. One thing they did teach me is sowing to near perfection,” the young girl who captured my attention and who sat with me during the meeting.

Sara has long brown hair and deep green eyes. She is the youngest of our small group. Now that I think about it we are the smallest group of girls to be sent into the forest. What are they thinking? Up next, a girl with red hair and blue eyes steps forward. Her name is Daniela and she can run fast and climb trees quickly, and she is sixteen. The third girl to go is a dirty blond girl, not the one who already spent all of her items, and deep blue eyes. Her name is Katara and she has knowledge of herbs. Katara is sixteen years old. The next girls are twins. They have dark brown hair with blue green eyes. Their names are Sadie and Analia and they are fifteen years old. The only other black haired girl in the group has hazel eyes and is thirteen years old.

“I will not tell you my age. I can survive on my own,” the blond who spent all of her things already says.

“Fine but know this you have already spent all of your items on that seemingly small askance. There are many herbs and all of them are classified as their own items,” I warn her as she rises to leave them lounge hall.

“He would have told me if I reached my limit,” she growls out.

“He would not have. They never tell you if and when you reach your limit,” I tell her.

“How do you know this,” demands the girl.

“I had a sister that was sent into the forest. She was allowed correspondence with me while she was in here. Yes my sister came here. It was then that I started preparing seriously for just in case of this incident. My sister was the last one to die in her battle,” I tell them as I sit up and take out the list that was given to me one of the men.

The idiot blond rushes out of the room. Her face is red with anger at being out smarted by someone else. I just shake my head at her idiocy.

“What do you recommend that we take,” asks Daniela from her ocean shore divan.

“The classes for archery, herbal lore, and weapon creation are the most important. The next important ones are survival skills and hand to hand. I will personally make sure that each of you is very skilled in hand to hand combat. If a creature gets near you and you have no weapon you will at least be able to fight them off or deter it from attacking you again,” I answer as I sit up and take a pen off of the table near me. I sign myself up for the herbal lore class.

Sara comes over and looks at my sheet. She looks at my face surprised at that I only signed up for one thing when I recommended that they all sign up for more than one class.

I smile at her as I answer her unspoken question, “I have no use in learning weapon making the weapons that I use and specialize in I can already make. I can make my own fire, create a camp that would make survival experts envious, and archery is my specialty so there is no need to take that class. I plan on keeping myself in shape. According to my sister they have a gym here that we can access at any time.”

“Oh wow. You really are going to survive aren’t you,” asks Sara before a blush spreads across her face when she realizes that she just said something rash.

“Yes I do and I will do everything I can to keep all of you alive as well,” I tell the group.

The girls check off the classes that I have recommended and add a few others that they are interested in. In my opinion that would be a waste of time but they need comfort before they go out there to live or die. I know that not all of us will live but I plan on making sure that as many of us as possible survive this fight to live.

“Do you think we can survive,” asks Sara in a sweet tone.

I look down at the young girl and sigh. My kind side wants to tell her that yes we all will survive but the practical side tells me that lying to the girl would just hurt her more when one of us dies.

“I am sorry Sara but there are no guarantees that we will all survive in there one of us might die for a very simple reason but I promise to do my best to keep us all alive as long as I can,” I tell her.

“Thank you, Aya,” the girls around me yells while grabbing me up in a hug.

I smile at them as I grab each one in an individual hug. Slowly but surely they all go back to their divans and turn to look at me. I lay back against the back my divan and stare at the ceiling. The pattern above represents a peaceful garden. I guess they want us to be calm while we are here but scenery can only do so much. I sigh as I take another look at the girls around me. All of them are so much younger than me but that means they can learn to fight much faster and with more ease than a person who starts at my age. This should be easy for them at least the training.

“Alright let us start running through some scenarios,” I tell the girls.

All of the girls nod their heads in agreement. All their eyes look at me wide with excitement to start learning all they can in order survive. This is a good thing at least they have the motivation and are not ready to give up yet. I turn my head back to the ceiling and close my eyes.

“I want all of you to lay back and close your eyes. Imagine the scenarios as I tell them to you,” I command them.

All of the girls do as I say after a second and Okays being said. I think of very possible situations that can happen once we enter that forest.

“Imagine, you are running through the woods when you hear a wolf howl. A few seconds later a wolf steps into your path with its hackles raised. It goes into attack mode. What do you do,” I ask them.

“Run,” many of them answer at the same time.

“You die,” I tell them.

“Attack it while avoiding getting hurt. Kill it,” Analia answers.

“You kill it but still die,” I reply.

“What but I killed it,” Analia demands with a sharp yell.

“Wolves travel and hunt in groups. That was one wolf. The reason why the others died is because they run right into the trap set by the wolves to hunt you down,” I answer her and give the reason for why the others died.

“Oh,” they all reply.

“How would you do it then,” asks Katara quizzically.

“I would climb a tree and kill the wolf and then kill the others as they came to get revenge or find their companion. This gets rid of the problem and gives you food to cook,” I respond.

“Wow never thought of that,” Daniela gasps.

“In this thing anything and everything must be used to your advantage,” I tell them.

For the next hour or so, I go over more possible events. Slowly they start thinking of more creative and effective ways to keep themselves alive. Soon they are able to make better decisions than before but sometimes they make simple mistakes that had it been real life they would have never lived past the experience.

Alright guys that is all for right now.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27, 2012 ⏰

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