Suga's diary | actual 100th chapter

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A look into Suga's diary

  Dear damn diary:

I don't even know why I keep a diary, because everyone looks in it anyways... including j-hope who goes around telling Bang PD nim about what I wrote.. what the hell...
so today namjoon broke my bed..again! and by again I mean the fifth time this week! I feel like smacking him with one of the bed's wooden boards, the hell with him too!
Jin scolded me for talking over him today, if you're gonna say something you've gotta say it without pausing, how would I know that you weren't done talking yet?!
I slept with my eyes open today afraid that V would jump out at me any second, I don't feel safe in this house anymore, jungkook literally copies him in every move like a child, he even asks me for a bedtime story! :'(
As for Jimin, he was surprisingly calm today, he even made me breakfast this morning, I think he's the most decent one compared to the other monkeys.
I think I'm gonna move to under the bridge where I was born.. without my sweg I wouldn't survive... honestly.
ugh, j-hope is waiting for the update

With all hate.. Suga

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