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This place is so cool. It's all laid back and low key. The places I went to with Dante in Rome were all about image.

Jordana seems pretty cool too, even though she sort of indirectly put me down with all the shit-talking about the homecoming dance. Not that I wanted to go to the dance anyways. Micah sort of guilted me into it by bringing up the fact that I was nominated.

It's just me and Jordana sitting at the table as Jeremy, Corbin and some other guys set up their equipment onstage. I've never hung out with someone like Jordana. All my friends have been sort of, I guess you could say, preppy.

I think I recognize Jordana from school. I think she's a grade younger than me, which would make her sixteen. It's kind of hard not to remember the hair. It's straight, black and the tips of it are dyed red. Even the bangs. She doesn't wear any makeup except black eyeliner and dresses sort of goth-like. She's wearing black skinny jeans and a dark purple velvet corset top. I'd bet anything that under the table, on her feet, are either a pair of black or purple converse, or some sort of black combat boots.

I look down at my Spinnerette tank top. Funny how I was kind of overdressed earlier and now, sitting across from Jordana, I feel kind of sloppy.

I finally notice that Jordana is looking at me with her eyebrows raised. Crap! I just realized that I was staring at her. I bite my lip and she starts laughing, "Oh my god! The prom queen has the hots for me!"

My mouth drops open in shock, "I so do not! And it's homecoming queen!"

She waves her hand in the air in a 'whatever' gesture. "It's alright. I know I'm pure sexiness. Even the straight girls want a piece of me."

Is this girl for real? "I'm not a lesbian and I don't want you. No offense."

Her eyes go wide and her mouth forms a little open circle. "Wow."

"What?" I ask self-consciously.

"My brother was right. You are naïve." She has a grin on her face and, for perhaps the first time ever, I want to hit another girl. The only other person that I've ever wanted to hit was my brother, Ben.

"You are as annoying as your brother," I tell her.

She makes a disgusted face, "Ugh, don't compare me to that loser."

Hmm, seems like I have just the right person in front of me to get information about the mysterious Jeremy. "So, what's your brother like?" I ask nonchalantly.

I guess not nonchalantly enough because she gets a sneaky expression on her face. "Aren't you engaged?"

I blush and say, "I'm not interested in your brother. I'm just curious, that's all."

She gets a knowing look on her face, "Whatever you say. So, what do you want to know?"

I want to know if he has a girlfriend, but if I ask that, she'll think I like her brother. I so don't. I have enough guy problems as it is. "He takes care of you?"

She rolls her eyes, "He's been a like a freaking drill sergeant since our parents died."

"I'm sorry," I tell her sympathetically.

"Thanks. It's been three years and we're okay now," she says while not looking me in the eyes.

Just then, the band starts playing and I turn my attention to them. That Corbin guy is the lead singer. He kind of has that sexy lead singer thing going on. He's wearing a pair of dark blue jeans, a black vest with nothing underneath and a chain hooked onto his jeans, going from his belt loop to his wallet in his back pocket. He is also wearing a black fedora, with his black hair sticking out.

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