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Throughout the realms of Wattpad, there are oh so many delectable SciFi writers scattered near and far. Here, TK brings you a few paths to Apocalyptic SciFi enlightnment. Some of the best we have to offer--new and old-- for your reading enjoyment. 

Tevun-Krus #51: A Very Post-Apocalyptic Christmas

Tevun-Krus #51: A Very Post-Apocalyptic Christmas

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World War Zed
By: @TheOrangutan

The Survivors' Stories - It is ten years since Britain declared itself free of the Zombie menace. This book compiles the untold stories of survivors across the world, how they survived, how the spread of the Infection impacted on their lives, and how they fought against the swarms of undead that threatened the very continuation of the human race. Fan fiction of Max Brooks' World War Z.


Disney Sith Princesses
By: @HardeeBurger

"In a Zombie Apocalypse, far far away..." 

Join your favorite Disney princesses as they fight for the stop of the destruction of the world. Singing, a bit of booze, and these beloved women join forces as never seen before. 


Dreams of the Children of the Post Apocalypse
By: @thierry_moza_s

A wee bit different from the others, Dreams of the Children is a collection of post-apocalyptic poems. Give them a go, here: 


No Regrets
By: @dreamingthought

One of our very SciFi Smackdown entries! No Regrets is one part of the very creative Tales of the Tower World-- short stories, all taking place in the same world across the world. 


The Zombie Prophecies: First Light
By: @sigrist

Zombies, monsters, secrets and lies. All of these things hurt, and kill, indiscriminately; they find you no matter where you are and won't hesitate to make you cry, tear your heart out or eat your brains. Nobody's safe in this complex story, packed with diverse characters and pulse pounding action.


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