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So here it is; the contest bit organised by ForbiddenPlanet’s resident GamesMaster, @AngusEcrivain. 

Given the focal point of this issue I feel it prudent that the contest should run along the same lines however, there is a twist involved… 

Firstly let’s get the formalities out of the way. 

To be eligible for this contest you must be aged between 13 & 13,000. That’s right… I don’t want to appear discriminatory but anyone older than 13,000 is almost definitely not human and will likely have seen an apocalypse or two during their travels around the Universe. Having had first hand experience is, in this case, not permitted.

Your entry must be entirely original and must originate inside your very own noggin. Plagiarism ain’t cool, ‘troopers, so don’t even think about trying it.

Now… The contest…


Use the following prompt as inspiration for a drabble, that’s exactly 100 words, to be posted in the comment’s section on this very page. Whichever entry our judges deem the most worthy will be featured in our very next issue with an accompanying review from ForbiddenPlanet staff.


You’re alone. Far below the world is ending but you, out of touch with your people, are nothing more than an interested observer.

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