Chapter 32: lost minds.

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Song: let's get lost
Singer: G-easy

My eyes were blurry as I tried to adjust to the light. I didn't know where I was but it seemed like a hospital because a bunch of nurses ran around and more than ten machines were attached to me. I look around confused not remembering what happened. One of the nurses came up to check on me as she started to write some stuff in a folder. A doctor suddenly walked in and made his way towards me.
"Hi Jade." He said. "How are you feeling" he continued.
"Excuse me." I said confused. "I'm not Jade." I said bluntly.
"Jade you have unfortunately lost your memory due to the conditions you've had. We are hoping that you'd get them back soon and we're doing everything to help." He smiled.
"Sorry I think you have the wrong person." I said. "How do You even know my name when I don't even know it." I said.
"The guy that was with you in that car crash had also lost his memory and we were able to contact some people off his phone. These people are also waiting in the waiting room to see you" he said with a smile. Suddenly a girl walked in with a smile.
"Jade" she said. I suddenly got annoyed.
"Can you please stop calling me by that name." I said. She glanced at the doctor and the doctor motioned her outside to talk. I looked around barely remembering anything. I can't believe it I don't even know myself anymore.
Fear was taking over me as I thought about how I'm supposed to remember.
The same girl came in this time with tears in her eyes.
"Jade please remember! I'm Nina. Nico's sister." She said. I raised a brow confused.
"I'm sorry I don't even know who Nico is I'm pretty sure you all have the wrong person here." I convinced myself that I hadn't forgotten anything. But seriously who is Nico is he like my cousin, my best friend or seriously I'm confused.
"Come on please remember I can't have you forget me like my brother." She cried. Now I started to panic, I had no idea who these people were or why I was here and who is Jade and why do they keep calling me Jade.
"Please" she cried. The doctor whispered something in her ear and they both walked out of the room leaving me with a bunch of machines and the noises in my thoughts.

Doctors POV:

"Nina, I need you to calm down. At this moment her condition is a lot worse than Nico and we are doing are best to help her. Nico might get his memory back in a few days, weeks or even in an hour. The reason he lost his memory is the whole accident but we are 95% sure that he will get it back when he wakes up tomorrow morning. Her condition is what's worrying me." I said as I watched her listen carefully with wide eyes.
"Is it possible that she won't get it back." She asked. In her eyes I was able to see hope and pain.
"For now I can't tell you anything because I don't want to give you false hope before I can make sure of the answer." I said as she nodded.
"Can we put them together in the same room? Maybe that way they can remember each other or maybe something could help." She said fast. I wanted the poor girl to have hope so I accepted her idea .
"We can try ." I said. She smiled with excitement and I told the nurse to move Nico into Jade 's room.

Jade's POV:

A nurse walked in as she pulled another bed with her. She brought the bed inside the room and put it beside mine. The bed wasn't empty but a handsome guy laid on there. The nurse left and closed the door behind her.
"Hi" he said.
"Hi" I mumbled.
"I feel like I've seen you before." He said.
"Oh really? Cause I don't even remember seeing you anywhere honestly." I said.
"Are you sure?" He asked .
"100% sure." I said.
"Oh then I think I've mistaken you for someone else ." He said. "Whats your name?" He asked.
"Now that you mention it... I don't know" I said worried.
"You lost your memory?" He asked.
"No.. I don't think so... I think just being here is making my thoughts blurry" I convinced myself.
"I lost my memory." He said.
"Oh I'm sorry." I said.
"Don't worry I was told that I would get it back soon hopefully." He smiled trying to lighten the mood.
"How did you end up here?" I asked.
"I don't remember really but I have these little nightmares where I'm in a car and crash. The doctor said it could be a part of my memory. You?" He asked.
"Ummm... I think I might have just fell down the stairs." I lied because to be honest I had no idea why I was here and how?
"Think?" He raised a brow.
"Uhh yeah" I said.
"Okay..." he said.
"I hope no one was in the same car as me when I crashed cause if anything happens to them I'll never forgive myself." He said.
"Hopefully if there was anyone they are fine." I gave him a weak smile trying to lighten the mood.
"Hope so." He said.
He slowly fell asleep and eventually I got tired and my eyelids grew heavy. I closed my eyes after having to stare at the bright white lights on the ceiling.

Doctor's POV:

I walked into the room to see if there was any hope for the girls memory. They were both asleep and the guy was snoring a little. They were just teenagers. So young and innocent I can't believe anything like this to happen to young adults and children but now a days we have to imagine the unbelievable. I checked the boys condition and realized that he was getting better. He's been getting visions of the past which is a sign that his memory will soon fully come back but the girl is what I'm worried about. She was sound asleep. The poor girl might never get her memory back but I'll have to do everything I can to help her.

Jade's POV:

I woke up feeling gentle hands on me as they stroked my cheeks. I adjusted my eyes tithe bright sunlight that peeked through the wide window.
"Jade." I heard someone say. I turned around and saw the guy that was talking to me yesterday stroking my hair now.
"Don't touch me." I squirmed away looking at him with disgust.
"Jade. That's your name I'm starting to remember." He said. I looked at him wide eyed.
"I have no idea what your talking about." I said.
"It's me. Nico. Sure I can't remember all the details but I'm starting to get my memory back." He smiled.
"That's good for you but can you leave me alone." I said.
"Jade, stop playing games." He placed a hand on my shoulder. I pushed his hand away and pulled my knees to my chest.
"If you touch me again I'll scream." I said.
"Jade it's me." He said. Now worried with wide eyes.
"You're crazy." I said. He was about to hold my hand but I screamed and a bunch of nurses came in and the doctor ran in. The nurses dragged him out while his eyes were locked on me.
The doctor checked my pulse and helped me calm down as my breaths
went heavy.
"No one can hurt you here." He assured me before leaving and running down the thin halls to another room.

Here's a long chap.. I hope it is..

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