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"Jake! i just came up with a cool guitar riff and i thought i should play it to you before i forget" Jinxx said through the phone -Jake was on the other side of the line. "alright let me hear it!" Jinxx nodded although he knew Jake couldnt see him. Picking up his guitar , he played the chords to the riff. The Jam session was interupted by little boy with blue eyes and long shaggy (y/h/c) hair. His smile was bright and contagious as soon as he stood by the door. The boy ran up to Jinxx holding a drawing, "Daddy! Daddy! Look what I did!"
Jinxx stopped strumming and chuckled at what (y/s/n) had drawn. He grabbed his phone " Hey i'll call you back." Jake chuchled as well, "Alright, have fun with the little champ" Jinxx placed his phone on the desk and his guitar on its stand just an arm lenght away from him. "now , let me see" He gently took the sheet of paper into his hands. (y/s/n)'s cheeks blushed from the happiness he felt seeing his dad delighted by his master piece. "Did you draw this all by yourself? I'm so proud" (y/s/n) giggled as Jinxx tousled his hair , "Yeah! And I drew it for you daddy!" He beamed. The drawing was the two of them playing guitar. "Well then I will just have to hang this up on the fridge!" Jinxx swooped (y/s/n) off of his feet, then walked to their fridge. He held the drawing in place on the fridge and allowed his child to pin it down with veggie magnets. "There you go, now it's up in display for everyone to see"
"What are you guys up to?" You walked into the kitchen, holding a paper bag of groceries and placing it on the counter. (Y/s/n) face lit up glancing over at the direction of your voice . "I made a drawing for daddy!" Still in his fathers arms, he pointed at the piece of art that was attached to the fridge. You walked over to them and giggled upon close inpection of the drawing. "If Picassos art made it I don't know why this won't" you kissed (y/s/n)'s cheek then Jinxx on the lips. Receiving an "ew" from the child

BVB Imagine book: BVB members being dadsWhere stories live. Discover now