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"I think (y/s/n)'s jealous of the new baby... I asked him if he loved his baby sister, and he responded with 'No, because baby's get all your love, Mommy." You observed little (y/s/n) from the couch, playing with play-doh as he rolled it on the coffee table making snakes.. at least you hoped he was making snakes. Ashley looked into your eyes and smiled, "Well who wouldn't be jealous over you?" You rolled your eyes and giggled, " Are you jealous, then?" He chuckled and reached down to kiss both your and (y/d/n)'s forehead. He whispered in your ear. "During the day yes. At night it's a different story."

"Oh my god, shut up".

Ashley smirked and wiggled his brows. He let out a laugh, then turned that smirk into a warm smile. "I'm very overjoyed at the moment of realizing that you were the one since the day I first met you" his heart pounded with joy, he lifted your chin up and planted an amorous kiss on your lips. "Oh no! my eyes!" (y/s/n) shrieked and covered them with his small hands. Ash laughed "yeah, well at least im not making poop out of play-doh". The baby woke up from the loud voices and she looked really to burst into tears " Too loud guys" you whispered to them. (y/s/n) lightly gasped "I'm sorry mom" he whispered back. Ashley sat next to you and took (y/d/n) into his arms. "I'll take care of her, you need to nap" You yawned and pulled the blanket to your chin, "i'll take your advise." (y/s/n) squished the play-doh back in its container and squeezed in between you two , joining the nap party.

BVB Imagine book: BVB members being dadsWhere stories live. Discover now