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I fucking hate Mondays. If they were a person, they would be ugly.
Dragging my feet across my mucky grey carpet I used whatever energy I possessed to yank my hair tie out and attempt to style my hair. I straightened it, brushed my fringe out, back combed it a little and then bailed to the bathroom. Finally I was cleansed from whatever nightmares took place in my head while I was sleeping. I threw on some ripped jeans, my Iron Maiden shirt and my black hoodie, then put on my black high tops. Off out as per usual, I ran down the stairs in an instant rush grabbing my essentials, phone, earphones, backpack and money. I placed my hand on the door knob, slowly turning it hoping not to make a sound. It creaked, I clenched my teeth waiting for someone to take the chance to falcon punch me back into my room.
"Shane Lacy Morham you get your grumpy butt back in this house this minute!" A voice called.
Shit what have I done now.
Lindi. My carer.
I dragged myself to the kitchen where Lindi was making breakfast.
"What did I do now?" I sighed throwing my bag onto the table.
"You're sneaking out, in attempt to get out of your therapy session am I right?" She raised her eyebrows at me.
"In the nutshell my fellow friend" I chuckled. "You know I hate going there" I grabbed an apple and threw it about in my hands for a bit.
"Look it's to help you, it works if you work it you know" she smiled, she shook her hips and pretended to dance, I cringed for the woman.
"Fine I will go if you quit the dancing and give me a lift?" I threw the apple and ran for the door. She clapped her hands and did a little victory dance behind me, oh Jesus.

The ride was awkward and quiet, I never really had much to talk to Lindi about, we're not close, she's just a stranger who happened to adopt me really.
But I don't want to go into that just yet..

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