Brock Lesnar went off script?

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We all know how our hearts broke when Brock defeated Taker at Wrestlemania.  But there is a theory that Brock intentionally done that, the streak was never over.

   So, when Brock defeated the streak, the graphic came up "21-1" rather quickly, so that must've meant he was supposed to, right? Wrong. Apparently, wwe always has "back-up  plans" so say if taker would have won, 22-0 would have came up. The original graphic board.

   Paul Heyman also brought up this theory, he said something along the lines of Brock could not have fired him if he defeated taker, they couldn't do anything since they would have to follow up on it.

   Paul said it wasn't meant to happen, that's why Brock's music was delayed when he won. Cause he wasn't supposed to. He as well stated Thats why Taker collapsed backstage

   But, there was some sites that had said that Brock and taker respect each other, or that lesnar begged Vince for him not to break the streak.. But that doesn't sound like something Brock would say..

   What do you think? I think takers streak should have never been broken.

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