Chapter 17: Sweet Sorrows

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How many times do I have to tell you

Even when you're crying you're beautiful too

The world is beating you down, I'm around through every mood

You're my downfall, you're my muse

My worst distraction, my rhythm and blues

I can't stop singing, it's ringing, in my head for you

-John Legend All Of Me

I had to hand it to Ron's brothers. They threw Ron a tremendous birthday party.

I had a wonderful time from the moment I got there to the moment I left. The only thing that had bothered me was Harry.

I had went over to him for a dance and to have some fun, but he didn't seem to want to do anything at all. He seemed as if he was in deep thought. So I left him to it.

Dean and I had a wonderful time until he got a bit too grabby for my taste. Just because my bum was sticking out more than usual, did not mean he could go and grope me. And I let him know that. Right in front of his friend that was pissed drunk and seemed as if he had it out for me for some reason.

After those fiascos I stuck with Daphne and Blaise for awhile and then Ginny for the rest of the night. Draco didn't realized that the punch was heavily spiked and he ended up getting sick and passing out. Blaise had to levitate him back to his dorm so he could sleep it off.

Ginny and I went back to my dorm (Hermione didn't come, too busy giving Ron another birthday present) and talked about all the things we had seen.

"I cannot believe that Draco drank as much as he did. Unbelievable." said Ginny as we sat and drank tea and ate biscuits, courteously of Dobby.

"I think that Ernie Macmillan was much worse off. He almost got my outfit. I would have hexed off his bullocks." I said thinking about the fact that the Hufflepuff prat couldn't hold his liquor and almost vomited all over my clothes.

"Thanks again for the muggle outfit, Pans. You certainly didn't have to purchase it." said Ginny shyly.

"Oh stop it. It was my idea to dress the same and I don't mind. Might as well spend my mum's filthy money on something fun. You and Hermione looked sinfully gorgeous."

"So did you. I'm happy that you and her get along now." said Ginny.

"She's not so bad once I got to know her past the brain and the books." I said laughing.

It was true. Hermione had become a friend to me. After we had a deep discussion one night about everything over the years, we came to understand each other more. She liked the fact that my true self was not the bitch I personified. And now, she was as close as Ginny was in my heart.

It had shocked me how friendly I had become with Gryffindors and vice versa. Nowadays the only Slytherins besides Draco and Blaise that I talked to was Daphne and occasionally Millicent. The rest didn't like this apparent "New Pansy", so they stopped associating with me. Which I didn't care. That just showed me who my real friends actually were.

"I wish Draco would have eased off. I'm feeling lonesome. Not that talking to you is a bore or anything. It's just I’d like my man's touch right about now." said Ginny staring out into space.

My jaw instantly dropped. "You little tart, have you and Draco had sex?!"

Ginny laughed and shook her head. "Oh noooooo! Well not yet anyways. I mean we have done some things, but neither one of us are ready. What about you and Dean?"

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