Mother's Day

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Hans, a small child of about eight, ran up the steps of the castle, his home. His laughter echoed in the large dome like rooms as he sought out his mother, the Queen of the Southern Isles.

Hans was ecstatic. He'd spent all day painting the final touches of a drawing depicting his family for his mother for Mother's Day. She's going to love it!

"Mom!" Hans smiled and hid the large painting behind him. It was too large to truly be hidden yet it was the thought that counts. The Queen looked up from a book she'd been reading in the library. There was a tightness to her features that was lost on Hans' childlike mind.

"Hans, what are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be with your brothers?" Hans winced at the question. His brothers all ignored him. Hans' smile grew back on his face even brighter than before with shining eyes full of hope when the thought of making his mother happy crossed his mind.

"Happy Mother's Day!" Hans held up his painting proudly, chest puffed out and waited. The Queen hesitated before she reached out and took the painting out of his hands.

It was a simple thing but not bad, at least for a child of his age it wasn't bad. Under different circumstances, Hans could have grown up to be an artist.

But it's not and he's a prince.

The Queen laughed as she rubbed her forehead. Hans deflated and watched his mother confused.

"Mom?" His voice quivered. The Queen smirked and grasped his chin with a hurtful grasp as her nails dug into his chin.

"Oh, Hans. If only there was someone out there who loved you..." She cooed. Hans was old enough to understand her words and his heart broke yet he was in denial. A small childish hope that her words didn't mean anything. Just a mean game adults played.

"But you love me. You're my mom," he said even as uncertainty crept into his voice. The Queen laughed and let go of Hans' chin making him stumble back a bit. She scoffed and the look on her face.... Hans recognized that look, that look of disgust that she reserved for the servants, the peasants.

"Hans, do you really think so? You're just some child from your father's brief affair. I'm not your mother nor will I ever be." As if to punctuate her point, she threw his painting at the wall. Hans cried out in protest.

The whole moment played out like it was in slow motion, however, in reality it was a brief moment. The painting shattered on impact, the Queen's laughter the only thing Hans could hear, picking up the canvas and hugging it to his chest protectively as tears started to prick his eyes.

"Face it Hans, you'll never be a King and no one will ever love you."

He ran.

Hans ran into the forest and kept running until his little legs couldn't carry him anymore. Then he collapsed and cried out into the heavens with a heart rending cry.

It was almost dark when he finally stopped and dried his tears while staring at the broken picture of his family. A small tear separated him from everyone else.

How poetic.

Hans gripped the painting tightly within his small hands. It was then he made a vow. He will be a King some day.

Even if he had to take it.


A/N: Based off the artwork I saw off of Tumblr. Original artist is myed89 off of Tumblr, not me. I just wrote this.

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