Six: Wasted Tofu

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Barely even friends
Then somebody bends
- Ariana G. and John L. (Beaty & the Beast)

We had a routine. Every morning, Tony and I would eat breakfast together and sometimes Caleb would pass by the kitchen to grab a snack bar before he go to work. Lucas would drive me to NU and by the time I finished all my classes, mostly before the sun sets down, I would see Lucas waiting for me at the parking lot. We would go to the hospital (owned by Lucas) for Tony and drive back to NU when Caleb finished his shift. We've been doing that for two weeks now.

Living with them was a big adjustment for me but I'm getting used to it. Ever since I knew about Tony's strong sense of smell, I've been more cautious of my hygiene.

Caleb's telekenetic ability though was a little scary at times but very helpful for household chores. Last weekend, I found the brooms and rugs cleaning the whole mansion as if they had minds of its own.

There are a couple of times I saw Caleb inside the campus but I never tried to talk to him unless we were in the mansion. I think it was better that way because I didn't have to explain to anyone why I knew him. It was one of the things I couldn't talk about to anyone according to Caleb.

"Can you grab the ketchup for me?" I gave it to her. Sophia said thanks as she pours it into her lunch. Her mother doesn't trust the cafeteria food and she would always make Sophia her own lunch, that's what she told me.

Sophia nudged my elbow and I looked at her.

"Look over there," she whispered. She was pointing at the cafeteria doors. There I saw Caleb and a petite lady entering both on their gray uniforms. Caleb was pushing a cart with mops and rags in it. A white hand towel hanged in his left shoulder while the lady followed behind him.

"Where?" I asked even if I knew what she's reffering to.

"Stop denying you don't see him. That's one hot janitor," she said while wiggling her eyebrows. I shook my head as I grabbed my fork and stabbed my pasta.

"He's assigned to our college department so I see him every now and then," Sophia said.

"I heard rumors about him," she added.

"Rumors?" I asked but my eyes never left my food. It intrigued me. I never asked Caleb why he chose to work here as a janitor while the fact that he's rich.

"He never leave that girl over there," she pointed at their direction who were now at the entrance to the kitchen. "He's always by her side no matter what," she added.


"You don't get it, Grace. The girl hooks up with students here. One of my classmate confirmed it and they said he's bewitched by her."

"That's none sense," I waved her off. "What's that?" I asked to change the subject.

"It's tofu. It's my mom's specialty."

"Tofu?" I've never heard of it before.

"You wanna try it?" she asked. "Here." She grabbed a spoonful of tofu and placed it in my plate.

"Thanks." I was about to pick some but the plate suddenly moved itself to the side until it crashed to the floor. The plate clattered on the floor and the whole cafeteria went silent.

"What the?" Broken pieces of the plate scattered around the floor.

"Are you alright?" Sophia asked. My heart hammered inside my chest but my eyes searched for someone. And that someone was now walking towards our area.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2017 ⏰

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