Five: Working Boys

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But if you only knew
How easy it would be
To show me how you feel
- More Than Words (Extreme)

A loud thunder woke me up this morning and it wasn't the best thing to start your day especially if it's your first day at school. However, Tony decided to show up in breakfast which lightened up my mood a little.

"I'm sorry for Caleb's behaviour. He's still adjusting about you living here with us. I'm not blaming you though and it's not your fault," Tony said while we're eating.

I wanted to say that I don't hate Caleb and it's just that he was confusing me. His mood shifts faster than I could comprehend. One moment he's nice then he would say a lot of sorries to me after. I knew he was sincere, his eyes told me so.

Not sure what to say, I smiled and nodded as response to Tony.

After fixing myself, I saw Lucas waiting outside to bring me to school. North University was a fifteen minute drive from 11th and when we reached the school gates, I bid goodbye to Lucas, grabbed my bag and went in to burn my brain out.

"This weather makes me feel sick." Sophia grunted beside me. She's a curly brunette and we're about the same height. She was in my first class this morning and I recognized her because she was late. Somehow, we're destined to be classmates in my last subject for the day.

"The rain hasn't stopped since yesterday. This is torture." Sophia ran her hand in her face. It's true though.

After the very controversial breakfast yesterday with Caleb, the rain started to pour heavily. Although today's rain wasn't as bad as yesterday's, dark clouds still linger above.

"Come on, it's not that bad." I patted her shoulders.

My last class already ended but Sophia has one more class left and now we're walking along the hallway.

"It is, Grace. It is. Look at my shoes!" She lifted her foot showing her white sandals which now had brown stains on it. Everyone can easily recognize Sophia because of her outfit. She's wearing a white sweetheart dress which ended right below her knees and paired it with a (dirty) white wedge sandals.

"Then you should have worn anything but white." I laughed a little at her disastrous moment.

"I could but I can't. My mom his the biggest fan of superstitions and very much insisted that I must wear an all-white outfit today because it signifies purity and whatever is pure to her." She sighed.

"I never met someone who believes in superstitions before. Sounds cool to me."

"Grace, superstitions are meant to be weird, not cool." She smiled cheekily to me but I shrugged it off.

"Well, there's my next class. See you tomorrow!" She waved goodbye and I made my way to the parking lot where Lucas said he'll be waiting for me.

When I reached the parking lot, my eyes easily caught Lucas. He waved at me and I started to sprint my way towards him. As usual, he opened the backseat door for me and I slid myself in. He took his seat and started to drive.

"How's your first day Miss Grace?"

"It was a bit exhausting but it's alright Lucas. Thank you for asking." I smiled at him.

"Do you mind if we pick up the masters before we go to 11th?" he asked.

"The masters? Do you mean Tony and Caleb?" he nodded.

"Of course." I'm not very familiar to the city yet so I'm not sure where Lucas will pick up the Higgins. But not too long after we took the road, Lucas slowed down the car and parked it in front of a hospital.

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