One and Only

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Heloo! This story involves VulcanicVulpix and I! I'm glad to be working with her on a project, especially since this is our first one! So enjoy!

Chapter 1~Vulx's POV

I parked in front of the house Skittles (thats my nickname for her ;3 ) told me to park in front of. With it being in Washington, it wasn't that far of a drive. It was a simple two story house, painted black and a touch of red. Knowing this was her style, i hopped out and grabbed my bags. My phone binged with a message from Spark (Kipz), asking if i got to Skittles's safe. I texted a yes and walked up to the door.

I noticed a puppy door at the bottom, and when i knocked two dogs barked loudly. Soon it opened,and i met Skittles herself. She had brown hair down to her waist that twisted in waves, and almost golden brown eyes. She smiled and hugged me tightly.

"YUSH! You made it!" she shouted her catchphrase. I laughed and patted her head.

"Yep! And glad to be!"

"Who's that?" someone behind the door asked. They had light brown hair and soft green eyes (i think) hiding behind glasses. He smiled, making my heart skip a beat.

"This, Scott, is Vulx! Vulx, meet Scott."

"A pleasure." he said with a toothy grin. I smiled softly.

"Oh! Let me take those to your room!" she picked up one of my two bags and lead me to one of the upstairs rooms. It was painted red, and had a red bedspread on the bed. A closet and desk sat in Separate corners. I smiled.

"Thanks for the room. And the stay!" i said.

"No prob! I have a lot of others, so come meet them!" she brought me to the living room. There sat people i knew very well. Felix and Cry sat on the couch, Stephany next to them. Red, Russ and Scott sat on the floor playing GTA4. I smiled brightly.

Two dogs passed out feet, one a german Shepard, another a puppy pitt bull. The Shepard i recognized as Hewie, Cry's dog, and the other fit the description of Skittle's dog. She was light brown with white paws and a white patch on her chest.

"Jade! Hewie! Go lay down!" Skittles ordered. They went into the kitchen.

"I think you already know everyone here.But someone's missing." she said. Just then, Ken came into the room. I saw out of the corner of my eye Skittles laugh. He wore his famous bear hat and carried a plate of Nutella sandwiches. As expected, Cry pounced on Ken quickly to get them. We laughed.

This was obviously my home.

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