Chapter II [] Shi Li With a Ship []

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“You ought to do something nice for Shi Li, go pick her some flowers, or stay here and fluff her pillow.”

Shi Li opened her eyes just a crack. She lied on a thin mattress a couple inches off the floor, yellow candle flames stretching across the shined oak wood. Something white was in the inner corners of her vision.

“It wasn’t my fault. She came out of no where. She just… appeared.”

“Still, you could stand to find her a treat. I’m sure she won’t be in the best of moods when she awakens.”

“Uncle, she could’ve been spying on me for all we know. Maybe she’s from the Fire Nation, sent to keep tabs on us. We don’t know who this girl is!”

Zuko was worried, but he kept his voice low. They thought she was still unconscious.

“I know who she is. She is Shi Li.”


A thump as Zuko leapt to his feet, hands sparking.

“Think about it! No name, no memories, no purpose! What were the odds we’d meet her?!”

“One to ten thousand, I’d say. But we met her anyway, so why not make the most if it.”

“This is a bad idea,” Zuko said, almost whispering.

She heard another thump as he sat down.

“Hey guys, why do I not remember lying down here?”

“AHHH!” Zuko shouted, leaping up and turning to face her, “how long have you been awake?!”

“A couple seconds. Why do you ask?” she said, starting to yawn, but she felt a spike of pain from her nose and snapped her mouth shut, whimpering. Uncle scooched beside her and gently took her shoulders, helping her sit up.

“What’s wrong with my n…”

Her heart skipped a beat as she reached for her nose and instead felt a bulk of plaster bandage.

“WHAT HAPPENED TO MY NOSE?!” she exclaimed, leaping to her feet in fear.

“Careful, careful, you don’t want to loosen the bandages. They’re still fresh.”

“Why do I even have bandages?” she whined, felt tears welling in her eyes.

“My nephew here broke your nose while he was practicing his firebending. Luckily, there was the pond nearby so you didn’t get severely burned, but your nose is quite crooked. It could take some time to heal.”

“YOU BROKE MY NOSE?!” Shi Li screamed, whirling around to Zuko, “AND YOU BURNT MY FACE?! HOW COULD YOU DO THAT?! HOW COULD YOU—“

“You appeared out of nowhere! By the time I realized you were there, my fist had already connected with your face!” he exclaimed, crossing his arms, “don’t get mad at me about it. It’s your fault for sneaking around while I was practicing.”

“I wasn’t sneak—well, yeah, I kinda was,” she muttered, looking down uncomfortably.

“Don’t worry, Shi Li,” chimed in Uncle, guiding her to sit on the mattress again, “the burns will be healed within a few months, and you probably won’t even have a scar. And your nose should be all straightened out even before then.”

“Do you really think so?”

“Of course. Now, there’s still many hours of night left. Why don’t you get some sleep.”

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