Chapter 32 - Shadows at the door

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  • Dedicated to Luke Jenkins

Chapter 32 - Shadows at the door

"So how was school?"

"Boring, but it was nice to see Lyric of course, she's so jealous and upset that I'm moving to America, but I told her she can come and stay of course"

"So your all set to move then" I said,

"Yes" She replied softly, "I mean, you...I..."

"It's okay Arii, I haven't decided yet, but of course my decision doesn't implicate yours" she smiled,

"But you are going for Christmas though right?"

"Yes I am going for Christmas"

"Good, you know I love you Keane"

   "Yes, I know Arii. I love you too,"

"Love you tooooo Tay' Tay'"

"Love you more baby A," I saw her blush and smiled.

We pulled into our drive at 4pm. Arii opened my door and I climbed out. I hated these fucking crutches already. As I made my way to the door, I froze as another spasm of pain tore through my leg.

"Breathe" Tayte said,

"Fuck...I'm okay, I'm okay " I said through gritted teeth,

"What's wrong?" Arii asked worried, "Keane"

"Nothing" I lied, Tayte frowned at me,

"It's his leg"

"Oh no, it's bad isn't it" Arii said. I took a deep breath,

"No, it's fine" I opened the door and then crutched in. Noah came into my view before I even reached the sitting room,

   "You don't look too good" He said,

  "Thanks" I muttered,

"You should sit down"

"I'm fine Noah, stop lecturing me,"

"Don't bullshit me, you look like shit"

"How's your leg now? Has the pain gone?" Tayte asked coming in, I groaned inwardly, thanks Tayte, just thanks. Noah glared at me,

"Just sit down and don't you dare argue with me" He said,

"Jeez guys" I said plonking myself down.

"Sorry that we care" Noah said sitting by me,

   "Where are Mum and Dad?"

"They went out to get a few things"

"Cool, I'm going to do my homework, Urgh , first day back and they flipping give me homework, teachers obviously plan to ruin my life" we all smiled as she went off. Tayte flopped on the other sofa and stuck the TV on.

"You're in pain aren't you?" Noah asked,

"Yes Noah, I'm in a lot of flaming pain and I'm already sick and tired of it"

"Do you want me to get you some tablets?"

"Are they going to knock me out?"


"Then I don't want them". It went silent as we watched TV.

But then about half an hour later there was a knock at the door. We all looked at each other.

"I'll get it" Noah said, getting up. He left the room and went to the door.

Noah's POV

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