On The Run With Love

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  • Dedicated to Ellie Sturla


Soooo...Here is the first chapter of my new story 'On The Run With Love' for the up and coming year 2014.

Hope you like...

Let me know if you do!!

Love you



Chapter 1 - Broken In

So, let me begin with my name; Ariiayla Keevy Linkoln, (It's beautiful I know) I'm 16 years old and have 2 extraordinary older brothers, Noah who is 19 and Keane who is 22. They are very protective of me, which sometimes gets annoying, but I've grown used to it now, so it doesn't bother me that much anymore. Oh, I must also mention Tayte who is also 22 and my brother's best friend, he is a complete pain in the ass (mine especially), but I love him like another brother, most of the time, he too is super protective.

Yesterday night our house was broken into, my brothers and Tayte were out at a party (As usual) and I was home alone. First of all I thought it was them back, so I got up and opened my door slightly,

"Guys" I called out.

Silence was the response...

"Is that you back?" I looked over the banister and was shocked to see a man look up at me, I turned to run and heard footsteps running up the stairs, before I could reach my room where the phone was, I was grabbed from behind, he spun me around, "Get off me, I'll...I'll call the police, let me GO" I screamed, my heart was pounding and I was trying to control my whole body shaking.

"Sssh, Arii it's okay"

"Who are you? How...how do you know my name?" I asked stuttering.

How did he know my name and what the hell did he want?

"I'll see you again soon my child" he shoved me and dashed off, don't ask me why I ran after him down the stairs, but I did and to add insult to injury, slipped on the last few steps and fell, knocking my head on the edge of the banister. Just my luck.


I awoke with a banging headache, blood was on my hand from where I touched my head, I looked at the door, it was still open,

"Arii, why's the door...open...?" Keane stopped when he saw me sat at the bottom of the stairs, probably looking dazed and confused,"Arii what the hell happened?" He said kneeling beside me and taking my face in his hands, Noah and Tayte then came in,

"Arii!" Noah exclaimed,

"Who did this to you?" Tayte growled, Keane helped me up,

"Let's go sit down in the sitting room, Noah, go and get some ibuprofen and some things to clean Arii's head with" Tayte looked at me, I could tell he was upset as we made our way to the sitting room. I sat down and Keane sat next to me, Noah came in with some pain meds, a drink and a wet cloth and sat on the other side of me, Tayte was sat opposite us."What happened?" Keane asked after carefully wiping my head,

"I was in bed trying to sleep when I heard some noise downstairs, I thought it was you guys back so I got up and opened my door slightly and called out, there was no reply so I called out again and looked over the banister"

"Shit we were broken into weren't we?" Noah said,

"I was shocked and scared as hell when I saw a man looking up at me, I turned to run back to my room to call you, but he was too quick and caught up with me and spun me around. I told him to get off, screamed a little bit and said that I'd call the police, but he said 'Sssh Arii it's okay', he wouldn't tell me who was, when I asked he just said I'll see you soon my child and ran off down the stairs. I went after and slipped on the last few steps, then next time I awoke you guys came in"

"Fuck" Noah said, "I am so sorry that we weren't here..."

"It's okay" I answered,

"No it isn't okay" Tayte snapped "The house was broken into; he could have done anything to you"

"Tayte, it's okay, I'm fine" I told him,

"You got knocked out though sis"

"I'm going back to sleep" I told them,

"In my room" Keane told me "I need to keep an eye on you"

"Okay, fine, whatever " he smiled, "Goodnight" I told Noah hugging him,

"Love you"

"Love you too"

"Night Tayte" he hugged me tight and whispered in my ear,

"Night gorgeous" I smiled and walked off upstairs to Keane's room.

Keane's POV

"We've got to leave tomorrow" I said,

"You mean that person was..." Noah started

"That person was Cylan" I interrupted,

"Cylan the guy who..." Tayte then started

"Yeah him...I thought he was in prison for good, obviously I was wrong, he will come back for her, tonight he was obviously looking for something but got distracted when he saw Arii"

"She didn't recognise him though" Noah said,

"Good, lets hope it stays that way"

"Are we leaving for real tomorrow?" Tayte asked,

"Yes, we have to, in order to keep Arii safe"

"I'll be round tomorrow around 8ish then"

"Okay, see you later Tay'" We both said as he left the room.

"What if Mum and Dad come back?" Noah asked me, I looked at him and sighed,

"Noah, I don't think they're ever coming back" he looked upset at my last comment so I said "But we'll leave a note just in case they do okay" he nodded, "Come on, let's get at least some sleep" he smiled and I switched off the lights, locked the door and followed him upstairs. I walked into my room and looked over at Arii curled sleeping under the duvet. I went into the bathroom and quietly did my business, then turned off the light and crawled in next to her, she stirred and said,

"Love you Keane"

"Love you too sis".


So there it is...

Vote/Comment etc

The rest will be updated next year 2014


Copyright © Georgia T R Wing

On The Run With Love (Book 1 Of Running Series)Where stories live. Discover now