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The Dr called said to be at the hospital for 8 am and surgery will start at 10 am.
Well the big day has arrived its masectomy day. I have been thru this day twice before once with my 82 year old grandmother she just had one breast removed in 2012 , and then again in 2016 with my sister who had a double masectomy , and now its my turn.
We are in my preop room they are getting me ready to go back they have started a IV and now they are coming in to give me a spinal block to kill the nerves so it will help with the pain.
They gave me something to relax me I don't remember much after that all I know is the surgery took 4 hours to do because they also took my chemo port out as well. I did good thru out the surgery im in a room now and it 8 pm they are letting me get something to eat , what ever I want I can have so I chose chicken alfredo, baked sweet potatoes, green beans, and a coke. Of course I didn't eat because it tasted like card board from the anthesia which is yuck. My hand has been swelling thru out the night so they are keeping a watch on it i guess there concerned because I had some lymph nodes removed from under my arm so the nurse brought me in a hot pack to put on it hopefully this will help the swelling. I have been here all day .Its 6:30 p.m. they are just now letting me go home omg this is gonna be the longest 2 hour drive ever. The drive was horrible not because I had a terrible driver but because of the pain I'm in. Well its 9:30 p.m. I'm finally at home I can't go to bed because I can't lay down so I'm gonna call the recliner bed for the next week or so. My hubby gave me my pain meds and has me all comfy in the recliner with my favorite wolf blanket think I will drift off to sleep now but I will back.

 My hubby gave me my pain meds and has me all comfy in the recliner with my favorite wolf blanket think I will drift off to sleep now but I will back

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