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   .Drowning in Tears.


   The horrified look on Katie’s face that night still burned on Travis’s eyelids.

He could remember everything clearly: The way the expression in her eyes shifted from horror to astonishment to hurt, the way her face became guarded, the way her shoulders squared before she ran off to get Chiron. Travis could’ve sworn that he saw her eyes glistening with tears.

   Then someone opened the door.

The person came in. Her hair was pulled back with a bandana, her eyes determined and set. She even bothered to clean up a little after a hard day’s work.

   “Nyssa,” Travis breathed.

   “Yeah. How’re you doin’, Trav?” she asked.

   “Not bad, I suppose,” he answered.

   Nyssa rolled her eyes before she replied. “You should really get that wound to heal. Everybody misses your pranks. Chiron strictly has shut down the visiting hours here in the infirmary – I guess except for the ‘close friends.’”

   “Yeah. It’s been two days...”

   She must’ve assumed that he was talking about his stays in the infirmary, for she just smiled and nodded. But what really he was thinking of about was Katie Gardner. He didn’t mean to hurt her. It was never Travis’s plan. But apparently, some things don’t come out as you want it to.

   The cabin was empty except for Katie.

She’d spent the last couple days in there, pretending to be sick. Sometimes she had company, though, most of the times, she’s all alone. What exactly is the point of pretending to be physically sick when you already are emotionally and mentally?

   She had bawled her eyes out once she left Travis in the infirmary that night. You could say that she’s drowning in tears. Almost every one of her siblings tried to comfort her, but no such luck. What would you expect from one with a broken heart?

    Maybe he never really liked me. Maybe it was just another prank, Katie repeats over and over. But it seemed so real. So beautiful, Travis’s feelings. When the expression in his eyes went swirling in a flurry of emotions. The time when Travis knelt down to pick those flowers for her. That day when he spun on his heels because he’d seen her with Will. They seemed real and amazing and majestic and lovely. But why is it that the boy I love has a new girlfriend? She’d asked herself.

   Because I thought she didn’t want me. Because I assumed that she didn’t want me, Travis explained to himself. And I just wanted to move on.


    But it was stupid. The plan was – is stupid. He’d already hurt Katie’s feelings before; he’d declined all of her Iris Messages, burnt the notes and letters she’d written him, waved her off when she tried for a conversation.

   And he’s hurt her, again.

Damned selfish self, Travis would say. He shouldn’t have given up so easily on her. Even if Solace admires her, Travis should’ve played aggressively and tried winning her love as well.

But his mind had other plans. He had asked the prettiest Aphrodite girl out. And she said yes. Now Katie’s mad at him. Those plans ruined his chance of being with the one he truly loved.

   Be careful of love.

It twists your brain around and leave you thinking that up is down and right is wrong.


We could all say this one sucked, but it was rushed due to tight schedule this week. I'll try to wrtie on Friday though. But yeah I hope you guys like this one! (I thought this is really crappy & short ugh. Ew.)

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