Wade Jackson

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Name: Wade Jackson

Girlfriend: Raelynn Williams (Played By: Kristina Romanova)

Stories: Racing the Limits and Crossing the Limits

Author/Maker: Mickey (mikaelanay)

Story Description(s):

Racing the Limits: When Raelynn Williams moved to Georgia, she had a perfect recipe for a systematic, anonymous life. But that goes down the drain and she finds herself in tumultuous situations.

All because of-One lake party.One stupid cousin.One wrong phone call.And of course-one badass racer.

Crossing the Limits: Sometimes on your way to the dream, you get lost and find a better one.

I lost my way too but nothing like a better dream came my way and the loss made me realize that this time I will have to cross all the limits to get back to my lost dream.

Story Status(s): Completed

Played By: Wade Poezyn 

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