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I woke up in darkness, a warm room, and a quiet chatter around me. I remembered walking with Inara for a really long time, but I didn't  remember stopping for any reason. The darkness around me didn't feel right either. It felt as though fabricated by something. I tried to move a little and realized my body wouldn't follow my commands, however the chatter stopped when I tried a second time.
A close deeper, almost hypnotic male voice spoke. "The Eevee has awoken." 
An almost metallic, but lighter tone spoke. "This was earlier than anticipated, he shows resilience, but no matter, we can begin soon."
The first voice spoke again. "Shall I?"
"Please, do."

The darkness grew to bright light, then to a tan colored stone room with seven unfamiliar Pokemon sitting in a crescent in front of me on top of a sort of table. I still couldn't move my limbs, but I knew there was another Pokemon standing to my left, probably the first voice. The second spoke again from the middle of the seven. I could only see its head, but the dark huge maw it had hanging off of it like hair made me shiver internally.
"Eevee. You were found in the middle of a battlefield completely unharmed yet you, according to one of our finest explorers, have no memory of who or what you or we are. You demonstrated ignorance of your own name, and were marked as suspicious the instant Inara saw you."
They continued after a slight pause for breath, "On top of all this, you shrugged off our most powerful hypnotist's Hypnosis ability in mere minutes. Who are you attempting to fool?" Their sheer calmness and assuredness terrified me, but they continued further.
"If this is the kind of spy humans have began to rely on, then we would have ended this war a long time ago. So, what do you say, little Eevee?" They finished with an icy-- or rather, steelly tone.

"I-I honestly don't understand w-what's happening anywhere right now." I started in a shaky voice, "but I really can't argue my own case, except to try to have you believe that I have no memories. I really, truly don't remember anything before hearing Inara's voice."
I had nothing to counter their suspicions. Even I felt they were right to be cautious.

The center Pokemon was silent, the other six seeming to decide amongst themselves. One spoke up, a smaller Pokemon, blue and round.
"I say we let him into the waters and forget about him. It's not worth our time to decide."
Another, green and lizard shaped spoke, "Hex confirmed he is in fact telling the truth. We cannot just ignore a solid proof of innocence." Most of the other Pokemon nodded in agreement.
The center spoke again, "So be it then", and stood from whatever they were sitting upon to walk down to where I lay and stood above me.
"We will let you go, but you will stay with Inara for several reasons. You will not leave her side until we deem you truly safe for our city. Nor shall you ever leave this cavern without Inara. You will be immediately terminated if caught attempting to leave." It bent down closer to whisper in my ear, giving a terrifying glimpse of the huge maw hanging behind it.
"Welcome to Terradeep Refuge. I hope you enjoy your stay." And with that, an incredible force pushed my consciousness back into submission. 

I woke again in another strange room made of dark soil or rock. I stretched out; I could move again. It wasn't a huge room, only large enough for the small, slightly cushioned area I lay and a basin of clear flowing water. The entrance appeared to be made of reeds or bamboo, with a small window at the top, letting in light and a view of the ceiling behind it. This was definitely some kind of cell. At this moment, I realized just how small I was, I couldn't even reach the view even if I stood on hind legs. I shook my head, I wasn't here for sightseeing. Rather, I didn't know why I was here at all, wherever here was. I thought back to what had happened before with the terrifying Pokemon with the huge second mouth.
"Terradeep Refuge..."
I said quietly to myself. Instantly, a scraping sound came from the outside, soft, like someone getting up. The door shuddered a little, unlocking, and was opened by Inara, who had an annoyed expression.
"Sarin, right?" I nodded and she continued, "This is Terradeep, one of the the last refuges for free Pokemon on Earth. As such, we have to be extremely careful on who we let inside, or outside. The Council decided to keep an eye on you, and that eye is mine. From now on, you are either in here, or with me. Got that?" She sounded angry, almost annoyed.
"Y-yes." I replied, too afraid to say anything else.
Her expression was terrifying , nothing like what I had seen in the field the day before. She sighed, dropping the look as if it were too much effort, and said, "Just follow me, not just because you have to, you will want to."

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