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Something just bit me in the boob and the chance of this sumabiscuit being poisonous is in the high percentile.

Damn insects.

I want to scratch it so bad, if I could just turn this way from every one and inch my hand into my tank top and get past this stupid push up enough to scratch it. Oh God I’d be so happy, I just need to move this way.

Yeah. Yeah. That’s good, no one suspects a thing. Michael is as dumb as a sack of bricks when Cassie is here. I’m more invisible than that invisible friend I had back in the sixth grade.

Stupid Michael.

But this feels so good, oh God yes! I just gotta be a little cool about it because Cassie is watching me now.

I slip my hand out of my tank top and pretend to flick something away. Cassie cocks an eyebrow at me and I wave my hand in the humid and hot air, “This weather right? And the wind? Craaaaaazy. I have sand everywhere.”

Except we’re not near enough sand for the wind to spontaneously swoop it up and because there’s no wind I’m potentially out of an alibi.

Cass shakes her raven hair until it fallsa way from her golden shoulders. Michael turns his dark head and realizes that I’m there again

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