Chapter Four

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I at the watch on Daylight's wrist, 6:47. I relax. knowing full well that I could stay on until morning, as my body would be in an sleep-like trance until I log off, resting my body. My mind, however, would feel as if I was awake all night, which wouldn't be a problem, as it was in the middle of summer, a few days after school ended.

I look back at Daylight, "What do we do now?" I ask him, in the rare moments when I don't know what to do. He looks at me, completely surprised that, I wouldn't know what to do. He in turn, looks back at me, and shakes his head.

I sigh, "We're going to have to do something."

"But what?" he replies, looking down at his boots. I check the map again, "The name of the attacking planet is 'Twilight."

He laughs a humorless laugh. "Midnight, Daylight, and Twilight. What's next, Moonlight?" he continues, now suppressing a grin. I roll my eyes. We had joked many times about the next possible people we meet. With my luck, though, soon enough, we are going to run into a Moonlight, or a Sunlight for that matter. I drag the now laughing boy, back to the racer and throw him into the copilot seat, which is right behind the pilot seat, to my dismay, as he chattered in my ear until I slapped him over his mouth. Of course, I could tell he was nervous and that was probably the reason he was running his mouth, but you can't blame me when he's talking nonstop about his baby pictures.

Later, when we arrived at the planet named "Twilight", I looked around. The planet seemed to be industrial, and mainly focused on mass producing weapons. At the moment, the planet looked peaceful, at least, peaceful for a planet that had just annihilated another. So the attacking force was probably the minority of the planet's population. Nothing a few assassinations can't solve. I smile. A simple job.

---------Month Skip---------

"The war started a month ago, before the massacre of many different planets, including ours. Reicol. After this, the planet even took control of the galaxy market, something we thought to be impossible. This left the remaining planets in lack of weapons and supplies."

"At the moment, I am one of the commanders of what we jokingly first named the "rebel army. Now though, it seemed that not only is the planet, Twilight, the start of the event, but it seems intent on actually taking over the galaxy, which as far we know probably isn't good. So in retaliation, dozens of other planets such as this one, are holding voluntary sign-ups to recruit member of our ever growing Rebel Army. But even with this, the planet Twilight only gets stronger. After it attacked planet #10 of the games  top ten planet list, the remaining nine drew back in hopes of staying out of this galaxy-wide war, which leaves us weaker than we could've been. That means even at your strength, you must join the war. For your freedom, and ours."

I take a deep breath. Daylight walks up onto the stage and gives me a glass of water.

"Lovely speech. If only it was written by you." he jokes. I splash him with the rest of my water. He starts to protest, when I slap his mouth shut.

"Quiet," I hiss, "No one needs to know that. And besides, I helped make it."

I roughly grab his wrist, ignore his sound of protest, and look at the time.

"Seven fifty. Hey! didn't we have meeting at eight?" I ask.

He doesn't reply, but instead, he grabs my hand and drags me over to his brand new gold and white racer. He gets in without a word and I hesitate, not wishing to be seen in such a bright vehicle as to preserve my reputation as an assassin. Daylight looks over the side and laughs at my obvious discomfort.

"I preferred your other one." I mutter, pulling my hood up. That makes him laugh even harder. He grabs my arm and pulls me over. I hiss as my hood gets pulled back. I sink down into my seat to avoid being seen. Despite that, I see people waving up at me and laughing. I turn my head and pull my hood lower to hide my bright red face.

"I'm going to kill you." I tell him which just makes him laugh harder.


Sorry for the wait. Writer's block. I'll try to write more nowadays.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2017 ⏰

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