Chapter One

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Mission: <===(Chapter Title)

I float through a sea of wreckage from a previous battle. I find and blaster here, a phaser(type of laser sword) there. I gather all my finding inside my blue and black racer and fly off before I encounter someone else. As it turns out, I do encounter someone, but the large warship passes without attacking.

Breathing in my good luck, I put my racer into overdrive so I can get back to my planet.

When I arrive at the military camp I'm staying in right now, I am greeted by the familiar sights. The clan I belong to has over fifty members, most of which whom are around the same level as me, 63.

(Just so you know, the ordering from individual works like this

My class, an assassin is skilled in using the phaser as it is easy to store. My phaser, a dark blue kind of light saber.

Midnight blue, I smiled. It was currently hidden in my sleeve so I could summon it when necessary. Of course, a downside to being an assassin was having light armor and only being short-ranged.

I set down my racer right next to a light blue one and climb down. I click the slide(the equivalent of locking a car door) and then I casually walk over to the armory and to look at a few of the newer models of armor and weapons. I freeze as an old man approaches.

"Hey. You like this one? I'll give it to ya' for only seventy coins. Golden ones." Says the old man. An NPC, but older than most. This man was our source of quests and missions. Usually he traded fairly, but this time, not so much. Seventy gold is a high price for armor. Seventy silver makes more sense.

"No. I'm okay." I gesture to my armor and to the armor in the stand, "an assassin like me would have nothing to do with such heavy armor."

As I leave the shop, someone yells my name, "Hey. Midnight! The commander likes you. He wants to marry you right now!" I roll my eyes. Daylight. My fellow assassin. His sense of sarcasm is truly astounding.

"What do you really want." I mutter. Not wanting to attract attention.

He grabs my arm and drags me towards the commander's tent. He opens the flap and enters.

"Good sir, I present to you, Midnight." He says in a sarcastic announcer voice. I kneel, playing along. The commander looks up smiling. He looks at me and gesture for me to rise, which I do.

"Midnight, I'm sending you to raid an enemy warship. There are rumors of new weapon prototypes in the ship. I wish for you to steal them." He says grimly. I'm surprised, but I don't let it show on my face. Not that it matters though. My mask would generally prevent any emotions be shown.

New prototypes haven't been seen for three years, after the second update. This could be the chance for us to gain power.

"You will be going with Daylight." He says cautiously. I nod excitedly, still thinking about possible assassination tools. Then I think about what I had just agreed to do.

"Wait! What!" I screech.

Daylight grabs me by the arm again and drags me outside.

"Meet me outside my tent at first daylight." He grins. I lightly punch him in the arm and he runs off.

"What did I get myself into." I think.

~~~~~~~time skip~~~~~~~~

I walk up to Daylight's tent in plain sight, albeit on a planned path, but today, I was hoping this will bring less fear to assassins. After all, assassins are feared as ruthless murderers who think they are too important to show themselves in public. I wait outside for Daylight to show, and after fifteen long minutes, he does. He, although barely visible, is carrying a phaser like mine, a sky blue, or as he would say Daylight blue and a small blaster. Much like a real world handgun. We nod to each other and walk to where the racers are set. He climbs into his light blue, daylight blue, racer while I climb into my blue/black one. We take off, nearly colliding as our racers were right next to each other. I wonder which idiot did that.

When we manage to get out of the atmosphere without crashing, we set to overdrive and practically teleport to the next nearest planet. Utopia, they call it. What a common name. Ours, Nyx, was less common. We fly to the other side of the planet, where I can just make out a giant group of warships flying in formation. Apocalypse ships. Apocalypse is both the name of their planet and the type of warship. How creative, I mean, when you see them, you say, "oh look. It's Apocalypse's Apocalypses."

We fly over to the ships in stealth mode. A type of radar deflector. We look at the massive fleet. Finally, rolling my eyes, I ask the question on both of our minds.

"Which one?" I ask.

"Oh. I was thinking, 'how do we get in?', but..." he replies. Oh, so we're not thinking the same thing. I'm actually disappointed.

"Maybe we should start at the center one," I say, gesturing towards the innermost ship. He nods and we set off, invisible to eye and radar, to a warship bristling with weapons.

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