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I lean closer to the bathroom mirror. I try to style my unruly brown hair into something decent looking. I take the time to straighten out my clothes, dusting off imaginary lint.

"Ana, hurry up!" My mom yells out. I give myself one last outfit check and walk out of the bathroom. I tuck some hair behind my ear and sigh deeply. Fuck, I'm so nervous. I'm not sure why. Tyler was just an old classmate and that's it.

"You ready?" I nod and walk out the door. I nervously play with the ends of my hair. I begin to slowly remember small details of Tyler, I've never seen him up close before but I do remember some things about the way he looked. He had such soft looking hair that always sits messily atop of his head. He always had his hands shoved in his pockets and always looked so deep in thought. I wonder what he was always thinking about..

"Oh, Rebecca! I'm so glad you made it." Mrs. Joseph says and embraces my mom in a hug. They let go after a second and she makes her way to me. "Hello, Ana. I'm so happy you're here." She embraces me in a warm hug for a few seconds as well.

"It's nice to be here. Thank you for inviting us." I politely say. Mrs. Joseph ushers us in. I take off my coat and awkwardly come inside. The smell of chicken floats in the air.

"So, how are the kids?" My mom questions. I take a seat on the living room couch and try to act interested as well.

"Madison is good. She's enjoying the college life, I just wish her school wasn't so far away. The boys are good too." Mrs. Joseph smiles weakly while rubbing her hands on her apron. Zack then comes and gives me a wave and gives his mom a kiss on the cheek.

"Hi, Mrs. Patterson.  Hey, Ana." Zack comes by and sits on the other couch and puts his feet up on the coffee table. Mrs. Joseph sighs, looking too tired to scold him on that. My mom and his mom retreat to the kitchen continuing to talk about children and work leaving Zack and I alone. "So, how's school?" I shrug.

"Same as always. What about you?" He shrugs too and crosses his arms.

"It's been okay. Jay and I have been slammed on work though. It's kind of annoying because Tyler gets to tour and shit." I nod understandingly. I turn my head from hearing voices coming from the hall. "And speaking of annoying," Zack mumbles. Tyler and Jay come inside the living room engaged in a conversation what seems to be about which character is best on Mario Kart.

The conversation dies very quickly once Tyler sees me. My stomach feels as if it does another flip, why must I get this feeling every time I see him? Tyler is dressed in jeans and a faded Ohio state shirt. He locks eyes with me. Before anyone can notice the awkward tension between us Tyler takes a seat by Zack.

"Hey, Ana." Jay greets.

"Hi," I awkwardly reply. I clear my throat to forget about my nervousness and the urge to just get up and runaway.

"Hi, Tyler."

The words come out almost inaudible and jumbled. I tighten my grip on my coat. He looks up at me and actually smiles. Smiles like there was nothing going on. Perhaps it was just me, perhaps I was the one just imagining the tension.


That's all he says. The rest of his siblings go on into a conversation while I look down at my shoes. I can almost feel his stare burn through my head. I start to shake my leg, moving it in small motions up and down. What is Tyler doing to me? I need air. I just need to clear my head.

"Excuse me." I say and get up to step outside. No one stops me and the conversation didn't end between Zack and Jay.

I step out into the cold air. I close my eyes and lift up my head while taking a deep breath. Goosebumps begin to cover my bare arms. This was better. I needed this break. I take a few more deep breathes.

In and out.

In and out.

I hear the door open and close. I turn around expecting my mom. It is not. It is the last person I wanted to see. Tyler smiles apologetically while holding up my coat.

"You forgot this." He hands it to me and I slip it on. "I-I just thought you were cold and all." I blink a few times. His voice. This is the first time I am actually hearing his voice. It's nice. Almost calming. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, yeah. Thank you." He rubs his arms in attempt to warm himself up. "You should go inside, it's cold."

"So should you." He smirks. The smirk only lasts for half a second. I had to quit lying to myself and just admit that that smirk was very cute. "Follow me." He turns and head towards the back of his house. I try to keep up, stepping over branches and avoiding muddy parts of the dirt.

He leads me to a bench that's mostly covered in leaves. Tyler wipes most of them off and gestures for me to sit. We sit next to each other. Not too close, of course.

Silence fills the air. I glance over at him to see him chewing on his bottom lip slipping into deep thought already. He hums lightly before talking.

"Can I call you Ana too or Anastasia?" He questions, looking up at me. I feel a blush rise to my cheeks.

"Ana is good." He nods and looks back down. "I-" before I can finish my sentence the back door opens. I look up to see Zack, giving us an awkward glare not sure if he is interrupting something.

"Dinner is ready." He mumbles. Tyler gets up and offers his hand to help me up. For a second I stare at his hand. I reach out and take. His soft fingers wrap around my hand and lightly pulls me up.

"Thank you," I whisper barely audible. He gives me a nod and opens the back door for me. I thank him again, meekly.

I can see from the corner of my eye that Zack gives a confused look to Tyler in hope for some answers. A small smile makes its way to my lips for second.

"Where were you, hunny?" My mom questioned. I shrug and make my way to the table. She sighs quietly, and takes a seat next to me.

Tyler walks in the dining room and glances around at what seats are open. A small smile twitches on his lips as he makes his way to me, placing himself in the chair next to me. I feel a light blush come to my cheeks. I try my best to look at him without him noticing.

His wrinkled Ohio shirt fits loosely on his torso, his chocolate brown hair a little messed up on the top but still neat in a way. The usual Tyler look.

I'll admit it. He's really cute.

"I- well, um." Tyler mumbles trying to find his words. "I hope you like my mom's cooking." He awkwardly says to me looking up at me. I smile and nod, not sure how to even respond to that.

"Tyler, tell them about your tour. It's so interesting, Ana. You're gonna love it." Mrs. Joseph gushes as she brings the food to the table. We begin to pile on some food onto our plates as Tyler awkwardly clears his throat.

"Well, it's really nice seeing all the cities. The fans- I feel very weird saying that. Anyway, they're very nice," I look up to Tyler as he stares at the table, a big smile on his face. "They're so so nice. They're everything to me, they all come all over to see me and Josh. It's amazing, you know?" His voice cracks, almost as if he's about to cry. I look up to see everyone's response. They nod and continue to eat like it was a nice story about a school play. I almost feel sorry, they don't understand at all.

I place my hand on his arm and look at him. We make eye contact for a second before I speak. "That's amazing, you deserve that." His eyes look as if they are beginning to water. He blinks a few times before his almost tears go away.

Everyone else begin to talk amongst their self as Tyler and I stay quiet barely eating.

Hi everyone! I hope you enjoyed this?? Maybe?? Thank you for reading.


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