Chapter 7

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Sorry this took sooo long to upload!! I haven't been writing a lot and i don't want to run out of chapters to give you guys. Anyway, i think this part is a bit longer so I hope this makes up for it!!

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Bella invites us all over to her house on Thursday. Her house is huge and absolutely gorgeous, a real life mansion. She has three garage spaces along with a swimming pool, a hot tub, a tennis court, an authentic popcorn making machine, a giant movie projector, and plenty of other good stuff.

Noah, Bella, and Bennie are there when I get thereà I walked.

"What should we watch? Pretty Woman or The Proposal?" Bella asks, holding up two DVDs.

"Richard Gere. Yum," Benni says, picking through a bowl of popcorn.

"Here here," I agree, plopping on the couch. The doorbell rings again.

"I'll get it," Bella and Benni cry simultaneously, both rushing upstairs to open the door.

"It's my house. Brat!" Bella giggles, running after her.

Noah and I are left alone downstairs and I can see him staring at me,, frowning.

"What?" I laugh, touching my face. "I haven't even eaten anything. Don't tell me there's something on my face."

He doesn't smile. "No...I just wanted to tell you something."

I look at him, a little surprised. Noah never gets this serious. "Go ahead."

He waits a moment, then says, "I was sort of shocked when you agreed to do this for Benni...I just figured you'd say no."

"It's no big deal," I begin but Noah shakes his head.

"Let me finish...I think it was really nice of you. I have to admit, when you first became friends with Benni I didn't know what to think of you. No offense, I figured since Benni is sort of attracted to weirdos, that you know you'd be..."

"Weird," I finish.

He blushes slightly. "Basically, but you've turned out to be really cool. Just...don't get in over your head."

" you mean?" I ask carefully. I'd always known Noah to be a pretty friendly guy, but right now he was being downright kind, albeit a little bizarre.

He sighs and runs a hand over his mouth. "You seem very....sweet. But, naiive, innocent. I just wouldn't want to see you get crushed or anything."

I'm about to say something; I want to know why he used that word "crushed" instead of hurt or sad or angry or something. But, at that moment, James comes tumbling down the stairs, his arm wrapped around Benni, and Elk and Bella come after them.

James plops down on the couch next to me and Benni squeezes in between us.

"Pretty Woman time!" She smiles and Noah groans.

"Can't we watch something a little more exciting? Like Die Hard?"

"Nooo!" Bella moans.

"She's right, this is Elk's favorite movie," James grins.

"Yeah right," Elk says. I turn back towards him. He's sitting in a chair quietly, behind the rest of us. He's always so quiet you almost forget he's there.

"You said you thought Julia Roberts was hot. And then you said she looked like Delilah."

Everyone stops and looks at me. I freeze and I feel a hot blush come over my face. It matches Elk's face, but he stays silent. I think quickly.

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