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▪▫▫▫▫▫▫ KRIS POV ▫▫▫▫▫▫▪

I hear ash in the kitchen cooking god knows what! I don't even care, I'm just laying in my bed just thinking about how I wanna just run down there and just kiss her till I pass out! Fuck shut up Kris, I'm fucking pissed right now man!

I never let a bitch hit me let alone bruise my face! If ash was any other bitch I would have beat her ass in a heart beat! But I love her so fucking much I can't stand it! I try to do my best by her! But this time it's all her fault!

I'm just in my thoughts and I hear the front door close and I look out the window and she's leaving! I went downstairs and ate her food, and went right back upstairs, and got in the bed! I heard her come back in the house! So I just laid there where the fuck did she go for a damn hour it's 2am! But I didn't ask and I wasn't going to!

"I love you baby" ash said as she laid down kissing the back of my neck

"Okay" I replied

"This is going to stop right now" she said rolling me on my back

"Naw bruh I'm good" I said

"Man, you need to stop! I know I fucked up I never should have hit you Kris I'm sorry, I apologise!" She said sitting on top of me

"Ash get down" I asked

"Okay" she moved her hands between my thighs

"That's not what I'm talking about"  I closed my legs"

"But it's what you want!" She stated

"Mhm" I didn't reply

"Right" she leaned down and kiss me

"Okay, ash just get off now, you happy!"  I pushed her off

"I really do apologise Kris I never meant for me to out my hands on you in that way!" She said as I stood up

"Okay, okay, whatever! Yo stop leaving these fucking close all over the fucking place" I picked up up her shirt and a paper fell out, I picked it up

"I'm sorry " she came and stood behind me

"Yo, who the fuck is Jaclyn? Mother fucker!" I turned around to face her

"It's not what you think at all Kris!" She said grabbing me into a hug

"Get the fuck off me ash! " I said scratching her arms trying to pry her arms off me

"She saw me at the gas station and she said I was cute I told her I had a girl, she was like if she as cute as you hit her up and she gave me that number! That's all, now stop digging your nails in my arm, I'm not letting you go!" She yelled

"Oh my god, you are getting on my damn nerves" I stopped moving

"Cause I love you, I need us to work Kris please!"  She begged

"I love you too Ash" I kissed her cheek, she grabbed my ass

Okay, I told myself I was gonna be pissed but I can't! But this bitch Jaclyn got shit fucked up, and Ash stupid ass should have never took the damn paper! I just wanna go to sleep, it's the middle of the night! So we get back in bed and here she goes

"Kris" she whispering, pulling towards her

"Ash, I'm really not!" I was still annoyed, but I wanted some pussy so bad

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