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Kris in Media

▪▫▫▫▫▫▫▫KRIS POV▫▫▫▫▫▫▪

I already know, I fucked up big time. I should have just been honest with here when I first started to actually like her man, I finished up with Stacey and let her know that this night was the last and that this can't happen no more because I'm in love with some one else.

I dropped her off finally and of course Stacey was upset talking about I played her blah blah blah blah, but I didn't not like I played Ash and I felt like shit. After I got home it was about midnight, I got home to see a box and a letter attached to it, it was from Ash I was sure that it was a bomb, but the letter said

Dear Kristina,

You know I like you, and it was hard for me to come out to like other studs, but you did that for me! You helped me with that! And I appreciate you for it. But I can't just sit back and watch you make a fool out my me, after I opened up to you. So here is a late birthday present that I had gotten for you today when I was at the mall, please do not contact me. Just let me be okay.

Love Ashlandra

I don't even care what's in the fucking box, she is not getting away from me period, I stuff the letter in my pants and threw the box in the back set still wrapped up. I drive over to her house, I'm just thinking man 45th floor why Ash DAMN! I came rushing off the elevator and I turned the corner so fast I had to catch my breath.

There was some shadow person standing at her door, I just stood there, with my hand on my gun ready for whatever is going to happen, they turned and looked at me and ran to the fire exit. What the fuck was that shit, I walked up to her door and stuck in the key that I stole and got copied (shut up I know) and went in. I made sure to lock the doors and her balcony.

I took off my shoes, and made my way to her room. She was sound asleep, I stood over her, just watching her she was a beautiful stud, she was the woman I wanted and needed.

"I love you" I whispered in her ear

She started to toss and turn

"I'm so sorry, I didn't want to hurt you baby" I kissed the back of her neck since her hair was in a bun

She moaned a little, I yanked at my curly hair and cursing at myself on how I could be so stupid,

"All you gotta do Kris is tell her the truth" I started to sniffle, tears came down my eyes I just slide down the in the chair in her room and just watch her sleeping,

I start to drift off to sleep when I hear her sit up and I peep my eyes open just a little to see her to see if she notices me in the corner cause it is dark it's like 1am, she gets up and walks right past me, four times

"Please, do not ignore me, I'm begging you" I grabbed her hand

"I got your note Ash, I'm sorry ,I l...." She cut me off by snatching away from me and going in the bathroom

"Ash please" I hear her fur on the shower water, I wait ten minutes then I went in after her

"Kris get out" she didn't even bother to look at me through her glass shower, I just stood there watching her shower

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