Chapter 2

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Kagome's pov

'everyone is looking at me! Make it stop !!' I hid behind inuyasha because I really hate attention." Inuyasha make them stop starring at me !"" Ok people stop starring at kagome." I was now standing by inuyasha and everybody started taking about when our wedding might be and what I might wear. I screamed and looked behind me Koga was standing there with a huge grin on his face." KOGA YOU ASS!DONT YOU EVER TOUCH ME!!" " Gosh kagome I didn't lay a finger on you ." " YOU DID TO!YOU TOUCHED MY ASS!" I got fed up with Koga so I eft kaede's hut and went to the forest to the sacred tree.' Koga is such an ass he always has to go and touch my ass when I'm not paying attention!' I heard a twing snap and I turned around really fast." Kagome it's ok it me ." " oh hey inuyasha ." " you really yelled at Koga he actually looked scared after you left." " did he leave?" " yeah." I started walking back to the village but I tripped over a log." Damn log." Inuyasha picked me up bridal style . I was starting to doze off. I wanted to stay in Inuyasha's arms forever." Hey mutt why are you holding kagome?!" " inuyasha put me down please." " KOGA GET YOUR ASS TO GINTA AND HAKKAKU!I AM NOT YOU KAGOME IM INUYASHA'S AND YOU NEED TO FIND YOUR OWN BRIDE INSTEAD OF TRYING TO TAKE ME FROM INUYASHA!!" I grabbed my bow and arrows from where I hind them and started shooting at Koga. He ran with his tail between his legs litterally.

Inuyasha was laughing his ass of f at the fact that I scared Koga and he ran with his tail between his legs. I thought it was hilarious. We went back to the village holding hands.

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