Virgin To Everything Sinful-- Realistic Fiction

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                “Why are you doing this to me?”

Radio static buzzed in the background and Mom took a long drag of her cigarette before blowing it out the window.

“It’s not exactly a punishment.” She opened her mouth like she was going to say something more than replaced her words with another inhale.

                “But you know I hate her. How about you spend all summer with her and I can go out clubbing and snort cocaine?” I asked twisting the ring in my lip over and over.

She ignored the summary of her life I had given her and replied with something that didn't even give a hint that my mother was still in there.

                “She’ll keep you out of trouble.”

Mom turned her head away as a sign that she was done talking to me.

                “This is bullshit.” I muttered before retreating to my room.

From inside my sanctuary I could hear the radio static change into music then it was turned up to the point I couldn't even hear myself think.

Keep me out of trouble? She needed some rethinking to do. Maybe I could fly my step mommy down here and let her keep my Mom out of trouble. I didn't need my damn step sister down here. What was the point of leaving if all my nightmares were going to follow me?

I dialed my dad’s number and pressed the phone to my ear. One ring, two rings.


                “What the hell has Izzy done to your brain? Did she make you drink bleach?”

The music stopped and the door slammed shut.

                “No, I thought it would be a good idea.” Dad sounded nervous.

                “Oh because Lanie and I got along so well when I was living with you. Why not send her down here so our everlasting friendship can carry on?” I said it all in one big breath.

                “Dunn, I think you guys just got off on the wrong foot. This will be like you’re starting all over! Plus I think she will keep you out of trouble.”

Oh. It made sense now; Mom stole Dads lines so she would sound like a responsible parent.

                “If you send her here I will drown her in the bathtub. There’s no way I’m putting up with her for the whole summer. Fuck that.”

Her blonde piggy tails and endless wardrobe of sundresses could stay in Washington. L.A. didn't need any more sunshine.

                “How’s Abigail?”

Somehow he always managed to change the subject.

What I really wanted to say was, “Oh, she relapsed. And she’s never home but when she is she’s filling the house with cigarette smoke and stupidity. And her pig-ass boyfriends keep changing but they are all the same.”

                “Lanie will be good for both of you.” Dad continued after my awkward answer.

                “My ass.” Were my final words before hanging up.

I took a peek outside my room, finally, she was gone and I could breathe again. Having mom around was like walking around with a disease by your side but never actually catching it. I couldn't stand her cigarette smoke; she was probably going to kill me before she killed herself.

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