Chapter One (Tris's POV)

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"Katniss Everdeen." Says a quiet girl sitting in the front of the classroom. She has her hair in a side braid and is sitting next to a blonde boy and a brown haired boy.

Molly snickers, "What kind of name is that? A weed!"

Drew does a silent laugh and Peter grins.

"Do I have to get the peace serum?" Jeanine Matthews tells us. She's our teacher. She is Erudite. I had an aptitude for Erudite but I never liked them. Not after what they said about my parents. Caleb joined Erudite.

An Amity girl giggles, "Yeah make the Dauntless happy!"

"What's Dauntless?" Asks a girl wearing a high dark pony tail, "I think I should know because I'm the Republic's prodigy."

A boy with long blonde hair wraps his arm around that snob, "June. Don't act like a know it all."

June says, "I'm just confused, Day"

The boy-Day says, "I'm sorry."

"Uriah Pedrad." Asks Jeanine Matthews. I don't call her teacher or ms or anything. She doesn't deserve the title.

"Over here and I'd like some of that peace serum." Uriah grins.

"Pansycake." I laugh at him.

"Tris! That's my line!" Uriah says.

Will chimes in, "Actually it's Dauntless slang"

"Erudite." Tobias, Zeke, Shauna, Chrissy, Mar, Uriah, Lynn, and I say at once.

Everyone gives us odd stares except people from the factions. This school is so weird. I mean who are these people?

"Metias Iparis" says Jeanine Matthews. She's taking role for all of our students.

"Here but I would like to be called by Captain." Says a boy-Metias-dressed in a soldier's uniform. It's very messy.

"Captain Metias?" Asks a boy dressed similar to Metias except his uniform is neat and precise.

"Yes soldier?"

"Metias!" Snaps Jeanine Matthews.

"Clove? You have your knives?" Asks a tall boy with blonde hair.

Clove answers, "Cato, I wasn't allowed. Apparently we aren't in the Hunger Games anymore."

"That's weird." Cato says.

"What district are we in?" Asks a girl with two pigtail fish braids.

"Glimmer, how would I know?" Says Cato.

"There is no district twelve." Says a boy with brown hair sitting next to Katniss.

"Who are these freaks?" Drew asks.

Peter and Molly laugh. Molly has a weird uncontrollable laugh. Ugh.

"Tobias?" I ask.

"Tris, I love you." He tells me and kisses my lips.

"No PDA!" Lynn shouts at us.

"Caleb Prior." Says Jeanine. Matthews.

"Erudite! I'm in your same faction!" He snaps and Susan smiles with her lips pressed together.

"Caleb. Your not being very Abnegation like." I tease.

Caleb flicks me off.

"Woah! Stiff is showing the finger!" Peter tattles like a five year old.

"Peter, we are all amazed by your incredible wit." Will says.

"Stop bickering." Tobias says like an instructor.

"Hazel Lancaster." Says Jeanine Matthews.

A girl with short brown hair and who is hooked up to medical things that I don't know answers, "Here, okay?"

"Okay." Says a boy sitting next to her.

"Augustus." Hazel moans.

"I finished writing the sequel to An Imperial Affliction."

"I probably won't be able to read it because I'm a grenade. One day I'm going to obliterate everything in my wake. I don't want to hurt you." Hazel says sadly.

"I hope you know that you trying to keep you distance from me in no way lessens my affection for you." Augustus says.

"Is there someone named FoxFace?" Asks Jeanine Matthews.



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