Fandom High

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Hey! I started to make this story because I am a part of different fandoms. I've seen stories like this but not with my favorite characters. This story will be from the main character's POV. Main characters means from the fandoms. What if all the fictional characters met? I won't make up any characters except extras. I have a story already made about Divergent High. This is modern day but with different characters from different fandoms.

The fandoms I will be using are:

The Fault in Our Stars- Hazel, Augustus, Monica, Peter Van Houten, and Issac

The Hunger Games- Katniss, Peeta, FoxFace, Gale, Finnick, Madge, Snow, Johanna, Cato, Clove, Thresh, Rue, Wiress, Beety, Haymitch, Primrose, Glimmer, and Marvel

Divergent- Tris, Four, Al, Uriah, Lynn, Caleb, Peter, Susan, Robert, Eric, Molly, Tori, Jack Kang, Jeanine Matthews, Drew, Marlene, Shauna, Zeke, Christina, and Will

Legend by Marie Lu- Tess, June, Metias, Day, Kaede, Thomas, and Anden

The Mortal Instruments- Clary, Jace, and Simon

The Maze Runner- Newt, Brenda, Aris, Thomas, Alby, Minho, Jorge, Chuck, Ben, Gally, and Teresa

Twilight- Edward, Bella, Alice, Rosalie, Jasper, Emmet, and Jacob

Beautiful Creatures- Lena, Ethan, Link, Ridley, Olivia, and John

The Testing Trilogy- Tomas, Malencia, Zeen, Stacia, Roman, Will, Raffe, Griffin, Enzo, Professor Holt, Dr. Barnes, Malaki, Zandria, Rhyme, Brick, and Michal.

Percy Jackson- Percy and Annabeth

Comment if you would like to see any other characters in my story....

I don't own any of the characters mention.

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