Chapter VI

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It all happened so fast.

The warm, thick red liquid oozed out quickly from the wound, pooling the ground below Stacey. But it wasn't her blood. It was someone else's. Someone very close to her. Someone she deeply cherishes.

She was hyperventilating. The blade of the knife dug itself in so deep, only the handle was visible. Several drops of blood spurted from the wound when Stacey removed it, splattering her own face as well and blinding her eyes with dark red.

She stared down at her hands. Fresh tears squeezed out from her wide hazel eyes.

Her hands were completely covered in blood.

But when she woke up, she was somewhere else. Someplace brighter, somewhere that made her feel more at peace with herself. Her heart hammered so fast and hard against her chest, she was so sure it would burst at any given moment. Beads of cold, nervous sweat rolled down her pale face, leaving a wet trail of perspiration.

Slowly, she sat up, glancing around the place to absorb her surroundings. Relief flooded through her sweaty, trembling body, her anxiety leaving her as quickly as it came. She was in her bedroom. It was early morning.

When she took a quick look at her hands, they were perfectly clean.


"Anne, for God's sake-"

"I saw you with her!"

"What the hell do you think happened?"

"I saw you kissing her!"

"Anne, shut up! Leave it alone!"

"You're lucky I have to go. But this conversation is not over, you hear me?"

Stacey winced when she heard the sound of the front door slamming hard. She stood at the top of the staircase, stiff as a rock, and listened as Frank sighed heavily with an inaudible grumble under his breath. Slowly and reluctantly, she crept down the staircase, the sound of her footsteps soft and gentle against the floor. She headed to the kitchen at the same slow pace, where she found Frank shoving his wallet in his pocket.

"Frank?" she said timidly.

Frank turned to her with a tired smile. "Morning Stace," he greeted.

"Everything ok?" she asked worriedly.

"Ah, fine," he waved it off, as if it was no big deal. "Your mother's just a bit grumpy today. Nothing to worry about."

Stacey nodded with much hesitation, though Frank didn't seem to notice. He pecked her quickly on the cheek and uttered a quick goodbye before exiting the house to leave for work.

With her teeth nibbling on her lower lip out of habit, she grabbed herself a fresh, ripe banana and left the house, peeling the banana open on the way and snacking on it for lunch. She walked to the direction of Anne's café to buy herself a coffee, deciding to hang out there until it was time to meet up with Jesse at the park.

The bells chimed in the café, greeting her cheerfully once she entered. The waitresses waved to her, including Anne, whose smile didn't seem to reach her eyes. Stacey responded with a concerned look aimed towards her mother. Anne quickly turned away, pretending to busy herself by wiping the counter, which was perfectly clean of any coffee stains.

"Mom?" Stacey said as she leaned over on the counter. "You ok?"

"Just grand!" Anne said with a little too much enthusiasm.

"Mom," Stacey said quietly so only she and Anne could hear. "I heard you and Frank yelling. Is everything ok?"

"Just a small argument, hon," Anne assured her. "Nothing for you to worry about. Coffee?" she offered.

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