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I stand looking at her face full of fear and worry.

"Y/n, what were you doing on the day the particle thing broke?" Cisco asks her.

"Uh, I was walking and I fell on a power line, and was electrocuted. I was in the hospital for a good few days." She says looking down at the floor.

"Why didn't I know?" Oliver asks, seeming hurt.

"I was giving you some space, you've seemed very distant lately." Her answer make my face drop, I've been keeping him very busy. His distance is mostly my fault and I feel bad for her.

"I'm so sorry y/n, I really have just been busy." He says pulling her into a hug. I can tell he really cares about her, he never puts his guard down like that. Not even for me. She pulls away and Catlin says,

"Well, that's probably why you have electricity. You know, that could come in handy." Y/n smiles and says,

"It could, I'll never have a black out again!" She waves her hand and a big blue streak comes flying at me. It hits my in the chest,

"Ow!" I yell out of reaction, it only hurts for a minute then stops.

"Omg I'm so so sorry Barry!" She yell seeing what happened.

"Don't worry he heals fast too." Catlin assures her and I can see the relief spread across her face almost as fast as I can run.

"Jee thanks for the concern Catlin." I see in the most sarcastic way that I possible can.

"Your welcome Mr." She says smirking at me. All of a sudden when I stand up I feel a sharp pain shoot through me.

"Ahh!" I let out a yelp of pain and stumble back using the white desk to hold myself up. I hold my stomach with my hand trying to lessen the pain. Everyone runs up to me and questions my well being. Catlin and Cisco hook me up to a monitor and when they lift up my shirt they can see a black mark that fades out.

"Your skin is burnt." Catlin tells me as if I don't already know that.

"Cool!" Cisco shouts smiling like he usually does in inappropriate times. Everyone shoots him a glare that says not cool. "I mean, uh, sorry dude." He tries to cover his mistake. I shake my head at him and look at the monitor. The green lines dance on the black screen like they should so I clarify,

"That's normal right?"

"Yes it is, it's just a burn so due to your fast healing rate it should clear up in a few hours but I suggest you take it easy. And no running!" Catlin tells me.

"Sure thing mom." I roll my eyes as everybody laughs. I watch y/M's bright smile spread across her flawless face. She has bright white teeth that glow in the artificial white light of the room.

"I will be able to control this right? I don't want to be known as the girl who shock everyone for no reason at all." Y/n asks looking at Catlin because we all know that she's the one who usually has the answers to everybody's questions. Proving my point Catlin replies,

"Yes with practice, time and effort you will be able to control them."

"Can you help me?" Y/n sure is full of questions, just waiting to be asked and answered.

"I'm in." Cisco says first, of course he is.

"Me to." I say after Olivers yes then Catlin agrees with a,

"Sure thing." And y/n smiles. Cisco ends the train of help  and the night by saying.

"World, you've just been shocked."

The Faster one:The Flash x reader (Going through revision)Where stories live. Discover now