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If we had a breath or a tear for our regrets

We would drown in an ocean

And live forever at the same time

Looking back at the years behind us

We see mistakes that we chose to make

Mistakes of pain and pleasure

Mistakes of winning and lying

Being alone crying or smiling inside; dying

But don't think for a second this is a sob story

Its a story of people who controll their regrets

And turned them into successful mistakes

Prideful and happy these mistakes the opposite

Beautiful and shiny these mistakes

They are the bell of the ball, the spinners tale

The prick that has drawn blood before the fail

Now don't think this is a happy tale

Its full of twists and turns, cuts and scratches

Bleats,moans and screams.

All for the solace of a quiet darkness.

This is a tale of being human

The tale of judgement and temptations

Poems Of This Teenager 2012-presentWhere stories live. Discover now